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Um...what do i do now?

Soooo....my best friend said that I need to get a girlfriend. He says it's sad that i spend more time online than I do with real people (I tell him that he's a real person). So because he knows everything about me, he signed me up for this daitng site. I was gonna take myself down, but I kinda liked the website. Never done anything like this before, so any suggestions?
Nov 29, 10 at 6:30pm
I'd offer some advice, but I don't know if anyone has actually met through this site. I will say just check out the forums there are some pretty awesome people here. ^_^
Just say hey to some people from your matches? I know a few people that met from here, but either way it's still a nice place.... but obviously I'm a little biased :)
Dec 15, 10 at 8:43pm
Sobi, Sephiroth, you're both right. There are awesome people on this site. I hope to meet someone special here, but so far my experience here is good.
I have to confess that I have not met any other Cats on this site. Surely I am not the only Anime loving cat?!
Meet new people and expand your experiences and socialize. However you do not 'need' a girlfriend, that line of thinking can lead you down some dark and unsuccessful paths. Meeting that special someone is often a spontaneous event but you have to out yourself out there for it to happen. Enjoy the journey good luck.
O.O this got the attention of the site owner himself. i say you stay and get to know some people here here are alot of nice people
Oct 18, 15 at 8:08pm
Cr33pyMann3quin sure loves bumping old topics. Seriously guys this is five years old.
Oct 18, 15 at 8:41pm
So much thread necromancy on the go today. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/028/427/Thread_Necromancy.jpg
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