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are otaku girls really hard to find?

I tend to not let people outside family and friends know because they automatically think I dont know why but (We have no life) So I ask him before he finds out all this (points to my wall of posters, drawings of anime icons high school guys) I need to get out more (sighs) WE ARE PEOPLE TOO!!!!
Xueli --> It would probably be easier to find older otaku women in bigger towns or cities but much harder to find them in a little Oregon town of 8,000 made up of mostly retirees, lol. But the biggest challenge is finding them in the first place (outside of conventions). However, they don't have to be local anyway since I'm moving next summer. So I figured I could meet new people on here, make friends and then, after I meet some people in person, see if anyone is interested in more. Stellalina + nekuchu --> I'm sure there is no shortage of guys with unreasonable expectations. It's always been like that and worse since the invention of Playboy. But there are plenty of guys who aren't picky about weight and care more about personality and shared interests. I'm one of them. I usually weigh under 150lbs but my last gf was 250+. Weight is rarely an issue, only when it gets to the point where it causes problems with hygiene or daily activities like walking around is it an issue. I would likely be willing to have a serious relationship with either of you if there is enough compatibility outside of anime. I'm sure there are many other guys on here or elsewhere who would also be interested. (PM me if you want to know more about me)
neko, how is Oregon? I have visited a lot of states, but not Oregon or Washington.
I've been all over too. The smaller towns are too conservative for my taste, but Eugene/Springfield isn't bad With a lot of artistic/hippie influence. Portland would probably be more to my liking but I'm not fond of the weather, particularly on the coast where I'm at now. The winters are very mild but even the summers are chilly and windy. I'm wearing a hoodie right now outside where it's 5:42pm and I'm still shivering even though it's a sunny day. It's mostly in the 40s-60s year round with 30-40s in middle of Winter and 60-70s in the summer. I wish the summer temps were the Winter temps and summer temps were much warmer without all the wind here. I'm probably moving to Tucson AZ next summer. I like it hot and dry. One thing I was surprised about is that when I was in Indiana, I never had to cut my hair for a job as long as I kept it back and neat. But every job I got an interview for here told me to cut my hair even though it wasn't very long. I figured with all the hippies and alt culture that wouldn't be a worry but there are a lot of business owners here who have relocated from California and so there is a cultural backlash against the hippie and alt culture created by the wealthy conservatives.
Ugh, I hate hot weather. It was almost 100 here today with something like 85% humidity or more. As for conservative vs liberal. I'm more of a libertarian, though probably not even much that. I don't care who you crawl into bed with, but I'm not a fan of social welfare. I'm a fan of less government rather than more. I see nothing wrong with the death penalty, other than someone it taking so long to get the job done. I don't care how a person dresses or have their hair. I personally love tattoos and piercings as well as girls with random rainbow-hued hair. I want tougher immigration laws (read that as penalties for immigrating illegally), but I also want the system fixed so that people can come here and legally become citizens. I can't say that I'm a fan of someone who is here illegally, but I can understand why someone would do it. I can't support sneaking into a country when there are legal means of becoming a citizen, even if the system is a little broken. Those temps sound great :D I have extremely mild winters, maybe a week or two of temps in the low 30's or less. Summer is always a beast with high humidity and higher temperatures. AZ sounds nice because of being dry, might be good for the sinuses, but you can keep the ridiculous daytime temps.
Lol, my ideal would be 65-85 year round but I would have to go Miami or Hawaii for something like that. I prefer to avoid high humidity which feels oppressive over 80 degrees although one week in my hometown it was 100 all week at like 85% humidity and I still walked a couple miles to work everyday at mid day, lol. Dry heat doesn't bother me as much and Tucson averages 10 degrees cooler than Phoenix.
I suffered sunstroke and severe heat exhaustion in my late teens while working construction. Ever since, all heat is miserable for me. I would love to live somewhere it is 50-65 year round. Since that place doesn't exist, I need a house in New Zealand and house in the USA... hell, might as well have one in Japan and somewhere in Europe too while I'm at it. That way I could go wherever it is autumn. Perpetual autumn would be nice, other than the lack of fresh summer produce. I would say avoid Florida if you don't like humidity, as well as Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. Some parts of Texas have a dry heat I think, but Houston was miserable.
You would like it here then, particularly near the coast. Lol, I would have homes in all the places you mentioned. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries, why they filmed LOTR there. I've been to Florida a few times, the seedy undercurrent of the places I visited bothered me more than anything. Hard to explain because that itself wasn't exactly it. It was a combination of factors, I just didn't like the "feel" of the place. Some of the beaches were nice, but that's about it. Some towns were better and some worse but I didn't like the overall vibe.
I thought it was because of the sheep...
There's a joke involving why Scottish men wear kilts and sheep but I can't recall it atm.
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