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are otaku girls really hard to find?

Was it "so the sheep won't hear their zipper?"
In KS it's the humidity that really sucks here, it gets so muggy. I went last summer without AC in my black Civic too, yikes. I'm not doing that again this year. lol
I don't think so. Mainly like everyone else said, They just go for the pretty ones.
If you're still in high school, there's often an anime club or something similar. Conventions of course are pretty obvious. Outside of those, I think it's really the same as otaku guys to be honest. You won't necessarily meet either just walking out into public and looking for them. Places where anime, manga, or video games are sold are the most likely places you'd meet otaku of either gender since the pretense is already there. Especially local anime merchandise shops if you have one. Otherwise, they're probably easiest to find online. Otaku of both genders frequent the net (then again who doesn't?), and often gravitate towards sites or groups that pertain to their hobby, except when they aren't real social in which case they are hard to find. You can even find meetup groups or dating sites like this. It's not necessarily hard to find them, you just don't find them so easily in the places you'd meet non otaku. You have to look in the right places. Standards is probably the biggest thing though, as has been stated. The biggest problem with meeting online is that people often filter others out based on generic criteria. Too tall? Next. Too short? Next. Weighs more than 90 lbs? Nope. Doesn't have blue eyes and blonde hair? Skip. Not Asian? Sorry, gotta go. Meeting online appears to me to be very data oriented. It's kind of cold really. Everyone has their type and there's no need to suppress that, but at the same time there's no need to filter everyone out just because they don't meet one or two criteria you might have liked. They might even surprise you with qualities you hadn't thought about.
Kitsune, that is a good summation. Online dating is very data driven. You fill out details about yourself and either the computer matches you to people or you search for people using a filter. It can be both good and bad. The good part is that you can weed out the people you have nothing in common with. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with camping, fishing, and skiing, but if those are your hobbies we need to not even bother. The downside is that people will do like you said and take it to extremes.
I was thinking more physical or personality characteristics, but hobbies are a good point actually. One of the worst parts is that people seem to often fudge the facts a little too, skewing the data that people are filtering by to begin with. So while the algorithms they use for matching may be pretty good, as long as the data isn't 100% honest they become far less effective. It's tricky business.
Agreed. I believe it is common for people to fudge things a little in order to be more appealing. I understand what you mean by physical appearance filtering as well. That is why I go ahead and show a headshot from the beginning. If a person is going to not like me for how I look, I prefer to let them see me early so that they don't even bother. But to be fair, I wouldn't hold it against someone who didn't want to date me based on the fact that they thought I was ugly. Physical attraction is important and if you think someone is ugly, well, no helping that. Also, while I would love to say I had never judged someone based on their looks, I would be telling a lie. I read about a study that showed that higher levels of attractiveness correlated to higher income. Basically, all other things being equal, the more attractive person is going to get the promotion, raise, etc. While this can suck for those of use that are average or below, I consider it fair. I mean, people who are intelligent have an advantage, as do social butterflies. Why should good looks be any different? Personally, while I have dated a broad spectrum of girls in the looks department, my favorite would have to be average to slightly cute. The great thing about this is that it all comes down to personality. I have found a tendency in myself to overlook more character flaws in a ridiculously attractive woman. Not a great trait, but it is part of me. Beauty is fleeting but bitch is forever, and the worst part is that I know this, but I don't always take my own advice.
my search is not over yet lol
@Nate ah yes, the halo effect. While it does work in terms of wages and whatnot, it might not work so well when it comes to relationships. Another study showed that while people who display the Halo effect set better first impressions, they're much likely to not leave positive lasting impressions if they're personalities suck. Basically not relationship material hahah
They are not hard to find. Trust me in my school there are a lot of otaku girls, but most of them have bfs or etc.. Just go to any anime cons, because there are a lot of older girls who are into otaku. The best thing to find a otaku girls for anyone who`s older would be at midnight where most of the older people be.
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