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are otaku girls really hard to find?

Meta you get my vote for best post! I've never met a rl girl that did the small tit bounces. I have met a few with the high pitched anime-girl voice. Also, I've only ever met one girl that had anime eyes, or at least she had the biggest eyes I have ever seen.
I don't think it's all that hard to find older women into anime. But then maybe because I'm a woman who's into similar hobbies that it's easy for me to find others? haha dunno
If you build it, they will come. Likes attract likes....And so on.... Why not found a relationship on other things and introduce anime? There are more who just don't know what anime can be than those who just simply don't like it because it's a cartoon.
There are otaku girls out there..I think what most otaku guys look in an otaku girl is un realistic. Or they just want to have relationships with the otaku girls that are super pretty. At least that is what I see so far lol. But it also goes vise virsa for girls too. I think it isn't easy to strike up a chemistry with someone where your both on the same boat in what you want in a partner. :P And I'm letting you guys know when I'm 30 or 40 I'm still going to be an otaku. :3
I'm still an otaku at age 25 going on 26 in a month, and I usually pick up attitudes and cute personalities from animes myself. I act like a total tsundere/loli but that's because I find it super adorable. However most guys I meet don't like that-I'm usually bubbly unless I need to be serious or in a depressive state. But no they aren't hard to find at all to be honest I've only met girls who were into anime and hardly any guys until I go to a forum or anime store/meetup. I always find it hard to find males who like anime, or if they do it's just the ones you see on tv nothing wrong with that though. and not every "fat" and "unattractive" person is desperate I myself have never been desperate and have had more than 3 serious relationships as a /fat/ person. (sorry that happened to you though) It sucks with the stigma now a days you do have to be 100% pretty/skin/attractive or you're unworthy. I never wanted to be "thin" because it pissed me off and I wanted someone to love me for me and not for my body and looks, but of course my thoughts changed on that recently and I'm losing weight for me and not for anyone else. mrr.
@yasshat exactly. Just because a person isn't already interested in anime, doesn't mean they never will be!
Isn't this website full of otaku girls?.... see I already found alot.
I think the hard part is determining when a girl is an otaku in the first place. There just never seems to be a non-awkward moment to ask, "Hey, are you into anime?" in my experience. It just never seems like there's a good opportunity. Besides, whenever I am actually talking to girls, I tend to be working, and hitting on girls at work would be... uh... frowned upon (and creepy). Heck, I work at a general store that sells anime DVDs, but I have almost never seen girls buying them or any other "nerdy" stuff like that, so even if I did want to ask if they were into anime, it'd be even more out of left field.
So? Heh... When I worked at a hardware store, I still brought up my interests via conversation. People talk about things they like and don't like all the time. If they don't get it, you move on and if they do, you win.:)
Nekuchu, you look like an absolute porcelain doll :p Yaasshat and xueli, yes, you can find someone you are interested in and try to introduce them to anime, that is possible. The thing is, you need to be prepared though for them to never like it. It just depends on how big a slice of your hobby pie anime is as to whether that is a problem or not. I don't think anyone is saying that anime is the only thing they have to have in common with the person. I could easily date someone that wasn't into anime, hell, I have only ever dated one girl that was. The problem is that there have to be enough other interests in common. I think most of the people here are trying to get a jumpstart on having things in common by finding someone that checks off as many boxes as possible from the beginning. Besides, I know I wouldn't like camping just because my significant other did, so I can't expect them to like anime just because I do. One thing I like about finding someone online is that you can chat ahead of time and see if you have anything in common or if there is any interest, before the time and expense of a date. I have been fortunate and only had a couple of really bad dates, I mean the kind where you are just ready for it to end and you hope to never see the person again... ever. I'm sure I have caused that same reaction as well. The way I view it is online allows you to see if there is enough interest to date. oreo, yes, there are a lot of otaku girls on this website. I have the fortune to be talking to several of them, though I wouldn't say in a romantic capacity. Sadly I haven't found any that are local yet, but that doesn't stop me from getting to know them. If nothing else, it can be someone to hang out with at a con.
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