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Sex while dating?

Sep 01, 10 at 2:01am
yes im familar with Mnemosyne, but the story line is so intertwined with orgies and S&M that it seems a little gray line,just on the anime side of the spectrum, like those hbo orignal shows like ture blood that just throw in a sex scene for ratings,
Sep 01, 10 at 3:53pm
I now don't understand how being observant is being judgemental. I'm not condeming anyone. I'm just stating my own personal observations and thoughts about such. Is it because I don't agree with you that you're so quick to accuse me of doing something with a negative conotation or something?
Sep 01, 10 at 8:04pm
You haven't made an observation though, not even close. An observation would be that the majority of people that posted here are for the subject, yet you continuosly made comments essentially about how wrong they all are for beleiving so.
Sep 01, 10 at 8:22pm
I've made a personal observation. Did you not see the word personal? A personal observation does not involve the majority's sight at all. And besides, if I were judging, I'd be casting condemnation to others by my own discernment. Which I'm not doing. All I'm doing is asking questions based on what I've seen. WHERE'S THE CRIME IN THAT!? Answer that question. I'm not telling anyone their wrong either. I may have once used the word incorrectly, but I later apologized and corrected myself. So, unless you just wanna yell at me because you still disagree with my ASKING A QUESTION and for whatever reason still think I'm casting condemnation on people (which I'm ever-so obviously not, but whatever helps you sleep at night is fine by me) then, by all means, be rude.
Sep 01, 10 at 8:32pm
Umm read your own posts it's quite obvious. Stating something a certain way 'IS' passing judgemnet whether you meant to actually judge or NOT, whether you stated 'I'm better' or NOT! What is wrong is not holding someone accountable or not it's stating bullshit you have NO FACTS to back up! You have no proof I have no self-respect or morals do you? You have no proof I wake up every morning depressed due to my sex life do you?! HELL NO! So why state it in the first place? That's what pisses me off saying you don't want someone to do something to you & then turning right around & doing the exact same thing you just told someone else not to do!
Sep 01, 10 at 8:33pm
I'm being rude? I hate to tell you but what, 5 people now have said you have been judging people? There's a difference between a "personal" observation and saying "Wow, it's sad how all you people think that way, your all wrong."
Sep 01, 10 at 8:59pm
And you know what just broke the straw on the camels back? That ridiculous statement about the Bible saying those who are righteous won't be judged! I don't know whos fucked up Bible you've been reading but all the one's I've seen clearly have Jesus saying when he saved the woman who was about to be stoned to DEATH "YE WHO ARE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!" Don't know the story? Here's a homework assignment: Go find a damn REAL Bible & read it properly finding all of the passages that clearly says THOSE WHO JUDGE WILL BE JUDGED AND THE ONLY, let me repeat that, THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE IS GOD HIMSELF! Incase you were wondering...YOU ARE [b]NOT GOD[/b]! I'm sorry I'm done trying. I tried to be nice I'm so sorry to everyone else on this site for being so angry, but ignorant people fucking piss me the hell off! >:(
Sep 01, 10 at 9:49pm
And I don't remember the names of the anime's (non hentai right?) i've seen with premarital or marital sex. But the Sailor moon manga has a few implied instances. The characters walk away with a beautiful & perfect ending...a coming child & a 1000+ year marriage! XD
Sep 01, 10 at 10:52pm
Yeah, I thought it would be cool to turn this whole thread around talk about sex in anime and not in hentai. Yes, Sailor Moon did indeed get "down-and-dirty". She was 14 when she was seeing Mamoru, who was already a college student. I'm not sure how old he was when he met Usagi but if he was a freshmen at the time, I would guess 18. Usagi got married at 16 (I think) and Chibiusa was born a short time after that. How old were Uranus and Neptune? Weren't they college students too? (I never seen past ep 100 of the anime and never read the manga.)
Sep 02, 10 at 9:50am
I'm not saying it's certain! I may have used those words and for thast I apologize for confusing you guys, but that's not what was meant at all! What I do is post hyperboles. I just do. SO PLEASE STOP JUDGING ME! DON'T BE HYPOCRTITES!
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