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Sex while dating?

Aug 30, 10 at 9:21pm
Quote 1: How exacly is stating an observant statistic judgmental? Quote 2: Are they not? Once again though, not a judgement. You'ore reading into my words too much and looking for problems that just aren't there. Quote three: Those aren't just my principals anc concictions, they're jsut very conservative views is all. Any right-minded person has them. I know plenty of people who do, actually. And you think I'm "poisoning the well" when you're still attacking me and I at least apologize? I can see where your decency lies.....all I was saying by that lil prase was that there's nothing wrong with judging. I mean, even the Bible Says "the righteous judge all things yet are rightly judged by no one." And if this is true, which it obviously is since the Bible is the infalible word of God and all, judging can't be wrong. But the point was, I wasn't judging anyway. So what of it? Somehow, simply because I don't believe in premarrital sex, people were saying that my QUESTION was being judgy, and I was simply informing them that that was wrong and I don't like to judge people harshly, and because of my minority in views on the secular's popular way of life, I'm being falsely accused? Hypocricy much? So here's a return of the "small" piece of advice: next time you intend on attacking me, try to make sure you have the whole story and have everything you accuse that person (IE me at the moment) right and entirely correct.
I'm laughing so hard right now I'm in tears. Ok lets start with How is quote 1 an observant statistic? Where did it come from? Did someone prove this beyong a shadow of a doubt or did you just make it up? State your sources. For quote 2 you said "Are they not?" Meaning you believe it's unethical. That, ladies and gentlement, is a judgement. You can try hard as you like over and over to insist it's not, but it is. www.dictionary.com under noun entry #4 if you want to read up on what a judgement is. Now we move onto quote 3, my favorite. You said your views are very conservative and many people have them. This is true, and there's nothing wrong with that. However why did you say "Any right-minded person has them?" Since we don't share those very conservative views we are not "right-minded" people? THAT is a judgement, plain and simple. Stop complaining about being attacked, insincere apology you force out is immediately followed by additional moral condemnation on your part. And after ALL this you THEN say there's nothing wrong with judging? Post after post you keep saying your not trying to judge people then you about face and use the bible to justify judging someone. Change your story much? Remember just because it's in the form of a question doesn't mean its not judgemental. Thanks ok though, you were just "informing them that that was wrong." Oh wait, thats another judgement.
Aug 30, 10 at 11:51pm
"And if this is true, which it obviously is since the Bible is the infalible word of God and all, judging can't be wrong" Seriously? Funny thing is, any intelligent historian who has researched the origins of the bible will tell you that not only was it not even written until some 400 years after Christ supposedly died, but also that many, many people contibuted to it, so how the hell is it the infalible word of god? Beyond so, your overlooking the fact that not everyone beleives in your god, or any god for that matter. Obviously you've had some relationship issues in the past, but that gives you no right to come onto places like this and tell other people the way they live their lives is wrong. Please, for everyone's sake here, get over yourself.
Aug 31, 10 at 12:27am
<B>Phanari</b>, I have to say that you are being judgemental. I quote you quoting the bible: <I>"the righteous judge all things yet are rightly judged by no one."</I>. I know this isn't the place but <B>THIS</B> is the problem with Christianity. I have ask you something, have you ever seen <B>Martian Successor Nadesico</B> <i>(Mobile Battleship Nadesico)</I>? In the anime, the crew of the Nadesico, along with the Earth forces, were up against an enemy named <B>"Jovian Lizards"</B>. The crew was <i>"brainwashed"</i> (via propaganda) into thinking their war against the Jovian Lizards (aliens) was <b>” righteous”</b> and <b> “just”</b>. Turns out the Jovian Lizards were actual people from Earth fighting a war against the Earth in which, in their eyes (because of circumstances) was also <b>”righteous”</b> and <b>"just"</b>. The main character "Akito Tenkawa", crew on the Nadesico, has this revelation and that being “righteous” and "just" isn't an exact absolute and that it’s in the eye of the beholder; that you have to consider the other side’s point-of-view. This is a paradox most people don’t get or think about. I feel that this is a reoccurring problem in your arguments.
Aug 31, 10 at 12:55am
Also <b>Phanari</b>, you stated: <i>"the Bible is the infallible* word of God and all..."</i>. This is completely wrong. The problem with this statement is that it states "god" <i>(intentional lowercase)</i> itself wrote the bible. There is no eye-witness account of anyone eye-witnessing “god” writing the bible. The bible was written by <b>MAN</b>, thus <b>FALLIBLE</B> because we are fallible. Have you ever seen Kevin Smith’s <I>“Dogma”</I>? In the film, “Serendipity” makes a very good argument, that the bible writers were all male and that they put their own perspectives into the bible. The only one thing ever to be written by god and witness by someone was Moses when the 10 commandments were given to him. Now…. Where are they now? Such an important relic as that should have been preserved for the ages but we only have paintings of the 10 commandments and replicated parchment of it that are all susceptible to alterations by… you guess it, man… I know this isn't the place but really thought it must be said. I also think if I had a friend or family member ever tell me god spoke to them, I would think they were nuts. This is also a paradox in the Christian realm because even Christian turn skeptical when someone says god spoke to them.
Aug 31, 10 at 2:23am
Come on people relax , I kind to find hard to believe that a bunch of self proclaimed otaku are all hot and bother over a topic that isnt Hentai(which only exist to make otaku hot and bother) lol. poor joke I know. But seriously we watch read and love manga and anime, we watch super powered high schooler, magical girls, and gaint robots and accept the plausible nature of the implossible and ludacripsy with ease and because of that I would think our minds would be more open and flexible, or at the very least be repulsed my mundane truths. Belief equals truth ,at least truth for those that hold that belief. Making fact relative, How else can we be complete enthralled, by what ever we profess to be and otaku to, like the old comic tag line for superman"and you'll believe a man can fly"or That there's one god(that writes books), That you live in the land of the free, That every day above ground is a good day, That one day well all find happiest, that there some one out there for everyone ,life is worth living and so on and so on. An a enfinite amount of other notions that become reality via belief or as the religeous call faith.
Aug 31, 10 at 10:39am
それが正解<b>黒亀くん</b>!Belief does equal truth. <I>Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster</I>. A group of people got together and claimed it to be true and they are now a world recognized religion! I would like to quote "Kaworu Nagisa" from Neon Genesis Evangelion, <i>"There are many truths as there're people."</i> This fits back into the many points everyone has been trying to tell Phanari here. I think the only counter-weight to this is that don't force your truths upon others that isn't wanted. That's why we have "free will". Sure it's cool to debate and discuss it but, don't take it out of the arena. I have an idea, why don't we talk about sex in anime? Any takers? I'll start. Yukino Miyazawa and Souichirou Arima had premarital sex in Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou. Sure Yukino caught a STD from Souichirou but, things turn out fine. Just kidding, however she did get a parasite that cleared up after about 266 days.
Aug 31, 10 at 11:31am
You know, Kurokame has a point. I'm sorry for my comment Phanari, my anger did get the best of me there, I just can't stand when people use "god" or The Bible or such as an excuse for innapropriate or rude behavior.
Aug 31, 10 at 9:35pm
Well sex in anime, well nonhentai anime is rare, or perhaps so subtle in dont always catch it. In Saikano there are sex scenes, Schooldays, probaly one of the most hardcore highschool love tri-angle animes there was had alot of actual and implied sex(of course it ended extremely badly for the male lead) Then in Koikaze you have implied and actual consensual incesteous statutory rape sex between the main characters siblings with a 12yr.age diff. Then more resently and current airing you have ookami san to shichinin no nakama tachi which translates into Miss wolf and her seven comrades,which is basicly the retelling of various fairytails with and realistic twist. Seems like kidie anime,but you have very implied, gratuitous sex between side characters not to mention every kind of moral and immoral relationship under the sun, with mother goose undertones. Hell the main story involves the main chacter ookami being sexual assulted in her past and no one believing her. you gotta give ookami san to shichinin no nakama credit, every thing is done so subtlely that a child watching would be non the wiser
Sep 01, 10 at 1:09am
This might sound creepy but, in Koi Kaze Nanoka was ,I believe, 15 and in Japan the age of consent is 12 so by Japanese standards, it's not "statutory rape". School Days has been on my list to watch but I've heard how it ended but I still want to see for myself the events that lead up to that climax. The most recent anime I've seen with sex was <b>"Mnemosyne"</b>. It was gratuitous at times but I feel it reflected how adult the story was and that some people could probably live that kind of life style (excluding the immortality attribute) if they really wanted to. I only saw it because I heard there were lesbians in it. Same thing with <b>"Aoi Hana"</b> which has implied incesteous lesbian sex with the main character with her cousin. I liked the drama in it; felt it was better than <b>"Sasameki Koto"</b> <i>(another yuri anime)</i> in that department but I felt Sasameki Koto was funnier and more enjoyable, plus it had a crossdresser and that was fun. I find it funny that both female leads in Aoi Hana and Sasameki Koto look so simliar. I guess that has to do with the Uke-Seme architype in yuri.
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