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Sex while dating?

Sep 02, 10 at 9:54am
Anthony: When a person makes another person feel inferior INTENTIONALLY for asking a question, where I come from, that's known as RUDE! All I did was ask a simple question. No on has answered it. So now, I'm just going to leave this thread with my dire question unanswered. All I wanted to know was why it is that secular life wants to go at it like guppies when it's so darn risky and dangerous unless they have the sanctity of marriage holding them in. But I guess that's too serious a question to ask you guys without being accused to being a bad person. GEEZ!
Sep 02, 10 at 10:02am
I never said that the righteous won't be judged. I said that they are rightly judged by no one. So incase you don't understand that, which IS a direct quote whether you like it or not, what that MEANT was that those who are righteous (examples: Abraham, Moses, David, Hosea....there are plenty others) are may hold people accountable for their transgressions, but cannot have the same RIGHTLY (key word there, sweety) done to them. As in, they can do that to others, but when hypocrits try it on them, they're speaking falsities. And since I'm a virgin, I'm righteous when it comes to willing premarrital sex so guess what, I can judge. I don't, but I can. Make sense for you there, doll face?
Sep 02, 10 at 1:42pm
Everybody, Phanari can be summed up in the simple statement "Trolls Be Trollin'" I say we all stop posting and stop giving her the attention she is so obviously craving.
Sep 02, 10 at 8:56pm
@Ikkoku lol go watch it NAOW!! yes he was around 18 or 19 a freshman in college, Usagi of course 14-15. Uranus & Neptune were said to be highschool students about 2nd-3rd year (so about 17-18/19) but I believe it was a disguise to infiltrate Mugen school as they never died on the Moon to be reborn with the others same with Pluto. So I think they're much much older. As for their marriage it's so confusing & complicated if you can even call Tokyopop's translation (I heard it was debotched) accurate. Since the last scene in the manga where you see them as highschoolers ends so abruptly as if it were all just a flashback you can't determine their ages in the wedding scene it all has to go off of what Naoko herself says. (cont.)
Sep 02, 10 at 9:14pm
She could be 16 but it doesn't fit with the fact she states in the scene she is pregnant (you don't know if it just happened from the night before or if she's a few weeks along), & King Endymion states in book 5 that Neo Queen Serenity ascended the throne on her 21st or 22nd birthday & had Rini shortly after! The anime, who knows as there was a 1000 year freeze period for earth before she became Queen of earth, & Endymion doesn't answer Mars' question about what day, year, & month Chibiusa was born. There's no mention of their ages at marriage but in the Stars anime she states that she does want to marry Mamo at 16 her birthday being right around the corner. The main thing is that in the manga she acted much more mature & they had a more mature relationship. They (& Uranus & Neptune) had sex probably on multiple occasions before they were married. There's a scene in the book during the Silver Millenium that implies & in book 4 or 5 there's a scene where Chibiusa is peeking through Mamoru's bedroom door & they are lying on the floor, clothes very loose, with Usagi's leg up in the air.
Sep 02, 10 at 9:26pm
*facepalms* I lied I have seen an anime, Fushigi Yuugi! Taka(Tamahome) & Miaka go at it like wild animals in the anime & manga. The anime were still shots of course T_T No but it was a sweet moment & she wanted to give her everything to him, they were completely in love & planned to marry asap (they were in the middle of fighting an enemy lolz). They also have a wonderful ending too with years of marriage(not 20 mins!) & a son! I've also seen Armitage 3 (though long ago) they get together in the end & remain together as well. It was very weird to think a cyborg human & a regular human? @Anthony: oh don't worry I'm 1 step ahead. She's obviously beyond stupid & doesn't know a damn thing about the bible or how to talk to other people without insulting them. hell she doesn't even know how to not contradict herself in every other post! I now completely ignore this stupidity that must be the #1member of 4chan the fucking super troll capital of the net! XD
Sep 02, 10 at 9:33pm
Another thing, she's not righteous she's a fucking dumbass! LOLZZZZZ XD David righteous?! AHAHA HAHAHA he killed a man indirectly as an excuse to fuck his wife! OMG so righteous I think I'll try it sometime too maybe I'll be turned into a saint! ROFLMAO Even Catholics aren't this stupid! XD OMG ROFLMAO so HARDCORE!!! lolllzzzzzz
Sep 04, 10 at 1:05am
Come on Karimoon-san you still seem annoyed, let it go, I Know as a good christian that most of us fall into the ,yes I Believe everthing in the bible, no I havent read it cover to cover category, if anyone ever took and academic bible as literature class(not sunday school or church bible study) they would realize there is quite a bit of debious behavior by gods chosen, hell there even and entire, chapter devoted to erotic peotry, Song of songs or song of Solomon.
Sep 04, 10 at 1:22am
I a big fan of romatic comedy and harem style animes, Like love hina,tenchi muyo,fruit basket,or ouran host clubs. even though all of them are extremely high in fan service, and character variety,however there is rarely any sex implied or other wise even though there more skin, misunderstandings and interaction of a sexual nature, I alway wondered why hell if youre gonna spend 24eps flurting, and procrastatnating on the who you want why not at least have one, this is what happen next; Love marriage and baby carrage wrap up.
Going back to the OP, it's my personal opinion that sex while dating isn't something that I support. This is my decision. On the other hand, I fully realize that there are a great number of people out there who are not me and have different views on this matter. They have a right to believe what they will on this, whether or not they agree with me or my belief. I agree with the people here that've said that there is a biological draw to have sex, but I wouldn't say that that's all there is to it. Culture plays a huge role here, and each person subjective values plays a large part as well. There are countries where women are required to go to houses in the neighborhood until a man chooses to keep her, and even then, the woman has no rights to be able to say whether or not they can keep their child. I would say that's wrong. That's something I believe would have a strong resistance in the US, but not in this country.
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