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kazuuuu @kazukuro
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kazuuuu @kazukuro
Bester Shoujo Manga als Profilbild, liebe die Confess Szene

akumanotsubasa @akumanotsubasa
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akumanotsubasa @akumanotsubasa
Haiii :o

locohellyeah @locohellyeah
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locohellyeah @locohellyeah
My favourite anime is without a doubt the monogatari series, because it jsut has everything I love in it. The atmosphere it creates really gobsmacked me the first time I saw it because the visual presentation is so characterestic but still fitting really well with everything else such as characters, content and storytelling. I think it is great on every aspect but the harony of everything together is what really makes it stand out for me. :D
Then again, maybe (probably) I just way too big of a fan regarding this series ;)
On a side note, I think I enjoy reading a good novel more than watching a good anime allthough i am more picky when it comes to novels i like copared to anime series.
Do you read or maybe have some cool hobbies beside anime?