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TheGho7t @kyoufujibayashi
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TheGho7t @kyoufujibayashi
Yeah, literally go look it up. It's insanely stupid. It gets REALLY dumb.
I get what you mean by that, I just got too much to watch that's "older" right now still. I like newer things mostly but I do have to admit that older anime have their charm. They usually have a better story it seems like, at least to me. They can't really get by by having great art or ecchi, at least, not always.
I don't like tragic romance LOL, I like the cheesy happy endings and junk like that usually. I personally like Gochuumon alright, not the best but it's cute I mean that's pretty much it. It's like Anne Happy or Gabriel Dropout, but not as over-the-top I would say.

TheGho7t @kyoufujibayashi
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TheGho7t @kyoufujibayashi
No worries.
I couldn't play it BECAUSE of the plot, so it just totally depends on the person there. I legitimately felt like screaming at how stupid it got. Which in truth, I didn't realize it had that much action or was going to, totally my fault there, just don't like that kind of thing. Not even to mention the weird and confusing routes smh Couldn't play it towards the 2nd stage, whatever it was called now.
I loved Saenai Heroine and it's about the only anime I've seen this season. I don't usually watch the stuff that just came out though, it takes me a bit most of the time xD
Well now I'm watching the 2nd season of Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? and I plan on after that to watch, well actually I don't know yet LOL I kind of wing it when I choose. Most likely some kind of romance/drama thing.

schnaddel @schnaddel
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schnaddel @schnaddel
Oh hehe, thanks x3
So what about you? What's your favourite Anime? :)
Persons from Germany

locohellyeah @locohellyeah
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Persons from Germany
locohellyeah @locohellyeah
Ni hao! Watashi wa me desu, yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Je parle couramment l'allemand. Maar ik houd er niet van om in het duits over anime te praten, also schade aber trozdem herzlich wilkommen :)
Hello everyone, I hope you will enjoy my company ;)

locohellyeah @locohellyeah
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Hello everyone, I hope you will enjoy my company ;)
locohellyeah @locohellyeah
What? I would never do that to myself, but if I did, and awkward me and yandere me would get even closer and do sexy stuff, would that count as masturbating?