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VoidShadow @kosmosregnum
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VoidShadow @kosmosregnum
Hi! I saw in your info that you're into K-Pop. I haven't listened to much myself, but do you have any recommendations?

virkhala @virkhala
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virkhala @virkhala

saikyo_tobi @saikyo_tobi
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saikyo_tobi @saikyo_tobi
Advice on appraoching "Otaku" women

milkyfawn @milkyfawn
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Advice on appraoching "Otaku" women
milkyfawn @milkyfawn
Some advice for dating women that like anime and the like is really just:
-Act how you would when you're approaching a friend. Don't be overly formal, but don't be overly direct! Try not to come off as someone that just wants that ONE THING (we all know what it is) because that immediately turns women OFF big time. (unless she's just looking for a booty call of course!). Likewise, being too pushy is also bad. It just makes women want to run and talk about how this guy online pushed them for things they didn't want to give.
-Don't lie. Just don't do it! No person likes a liar and it'd be much better for us if we could see how you really are than to have a huge surprise later (like on a date or something). Being honest with your looks and personality are a huge deal, but that should just be a well known rule.
-Don't over do the compliments. Sounds dumb, right? Who doesn't like compliments? Compliments aren't bad, but they come off as very fake if you just keep layering them on. You may be excited about your new lady friend, but don't cake it on!
-We aren't some special species. We like things just like boys like things. Treat us how you'd want to be treated and you should have no problems!
Good luck, sweetie!
Any jfashion/kfashion people in the California area?

milkyfawn @milkyfawn
Any jfashion/kfashion people in the California area?
milkyfawn @milkyfawn
Hey guys! I've recently moved back to the socal area and so I lost touch with my old comm. I was wondering if there were any other people into k/jfashion around me. I'm really excited to start meeting more people in my area that like the same things as me and maybe hosting a meet up like I used to when I lived in San Fran. Any of you interested in having a little group skype chat?