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anesthesiology @anesthesiology
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anesthesiology @anesthesiology
you seem adorable...can add me so we can talk. I like your face do you have some more pictures of you? I'm trying to find a fiancée that is cute and adorable and likes anime. Also I will be a anesthesiologist this march coming up. I see you like spirted away I like that as well and catsle in the sky and princess monoke. like my plans for the future are to get a home near Disney world in Florida as the beach is near by and I hope to get a job that 1 week on 1 week of for like 400-300 thousand and o to japan anime city 1 month out of every year and I want like 2 -3 mixed kids from my cute wife. I was was watching this one eposide of house hunters and this couple got this home in Orlando flordia Spanish style for like 800 thousand and it had 12 bedrooms...the housing market was down then so they probaley got a good deal. you play any video games like Naruto shippden ultimate nijia storm? also I like girls that draw and do arts and crafts. other stuff I like is biomedical engineering for medical device design...I want to get my own company. probaley at first I start small and just rent a lab 1 day a week and hire some bio engineer for 1 day a week and have brainstorming sessions for concept design..i have nto thought of it nay futher then that but I have to get anesthesia first or all my other plans are ruined. but I really need a fiancée. so this is a summary of me so you can add me now aslo do you have Skype so we cn talk on there?

gundammaster69 @gundammaster69
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gundammaster69 @gundammaster69

Dingo @dingo
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Dingo @dingo
Hello There How are you
How to talk to a girl?

ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
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How to talk to a girl?
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
Just tell her she belongs in the kitchen and demand that she make you a sandwich.
Jokes aside, I'd say what most people are saying... Be yourself. You don't need to lie and pretend you're someone 'greater' than you are. Lying is very unattractive. Try to avoid flattering her too much... This can come out in a few different ways.
1. It makes you seem too clingy
2. It sounds like a load of BS
3. It makes compliments seem a little less special. They kind of lose their effect after a while... It's like, "Okay, I get it..."
I also think when you talk to a girl, you want to try and tell her more about yourself. It's good to ask her questions to get to know her, but make it so she doesn't feel like she has to do all the talking. Tell her something interesting about yourself that could spark some good conversation.
Anyway, that's kind of all I've got for now. Good luck y'all!
Some drawings I did awhhhile ago

ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
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Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
No problem~ That's really neat!