Some drawings I did awhhhile ago

Always @weaj
Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
Always @weaj
I went to college for Graphic Arts and since then I haven't drawn in a really long time.. like 5 years...
here's some I found from my old computer, please tell me what you think!

jas @jas
commented on
Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
jas @jas
Very nice! I like your attention to anatomy. Your personal style comes through well.

Always @weaj
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Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
Always @weaj
Thank you very much! I've been thinking of picking up a pencil again, but it's been so long I kinda lost the urge to -_-

Key @key17
commented on
Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
Key @key17
Impressive, as jas said, you have a great perception of anatomy. It's up to you but I'd say it'd be a waste to not take advantage of your talent, even if it's not to be an 'artist'.

Always @weaj
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Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
Always @weaj
I personally think my drawings are off, I only draw upper body and biceps so when it comes to legs they're a little shorter then usual lol.
But thank you guys for the kind words! I might pick up drawing again some day soon

ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
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Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
:D I love Monsters! These are so rad! I really like the one of the guy where it looks like his skeleton is being pulled out of him. There is some great movement in that piece.

Always @weaj
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Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
Always @weaj
Thank you :} I used an eraser to make it look more of a faded effect lol, I have a whole folder full of stuff but too much to scan -_-

ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
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Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
No problem~ That's really neat!

Aka-san @redhawk
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Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
Aka-san @redhawk
Amazing work my friend, I wish I could draw monsters and creatures like you. Tell me, where did you learn this, or are you self taught? Or is it pure talent? Not trying to sound douchey, I just want to learn, kind of envious as well haha.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Some drawings I did awhhhile ago
Aka-san @redhawk
Keep up the good work as well, don't let your talent go to waste.
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