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Tristar24 @tristar24
Tristar24 @tristar24
not really all that new. never see anyone new it seems, just the same old peeps hoping that one day someone will come along.
guess we are all in our own little holes watching anime :P

hazele19 @hazele19
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hazele19 @hazele19
I'm doing well. You?

hazele19 @hazele19
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hazele19 @hazele19
Hello. Nice to meet you.
Serious Searching in Sacramento

Tristar24 @tristar24
Serious Searching in Sacramento
Tristar24 @tristar24
Hello. My name is Tristan, and am i searching for a relationship. I'd rather take it slow and get to know a girl/woman that is in the sacramento area that has a general like of anime and cuddling :) if that is you, then i hope to hear from ya