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Darkly10000 @darkly10000
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Darkly10000 @darkly10000
Hi you seem like a fun person to talk to even if you are busy a bunch.

richardtizo97 @richardtizo97
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richardtizo97 @richardtizo97
hello :)

IHaveAbandonedMyProfile,So @isabellakittenchan
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IHaveAbandonedMyProfile,So @isabellakittenchan
Omg that looks soooooooooooooooooo good! :)
Songs for MO Users

hazele19 @hazele19
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Songs for MO Users
hazele19 @hazele19
@gurren I have this on my Youtube playlist. xD Good choice.
Anime You

hazele19 @hazele19
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Anime You
hazele19 @hazele19
Same as @Ginseng and also shy, awkward, and hyper/silly at times...and a bit protective of the MC. Haha