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Kazuma_elric @kazuma_elric
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Kazuma_elric @kazuma_elric
Hello :D

espada213 @espada213
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espada213 @espada213
Hi there hit me up if u want to talk

Leikaido @leikaido
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Leikaido @leikaido
Tee hee.
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]

sakurablossm512 @sakurablossm512
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Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
sakurablossm512 @sakurablossm512
mm well i think its more of what guys and girls are into, theirs alot of boys that are into dark women or light women ...and even ten women.
like my mom she rather date a guy who's darker then her then lighter and were Spanish.
as for me im into my white/tan boys XD! just something i grow into i guess.
i mean you can fall for anyone it goes for who the person is on the inside i think
Does the site thing work?

sakurablossm512 @sakurablossm512
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Does the site thing work?
sakurablossm512 @sakurablossm512
It works ^^ it happen to me once we dated for like almost two years but "things happen" so we ended breaking up, but things happen.
i just think theirs a person out their for everyone, doesn't matter were you meet them you know.
so the wed thing does work
pretty much alot of things do work if you put yourself more out their you know