Does the site thing work?

anime_hermit @anime_hermit
Does the site thing work?
anime_hermit @anime_hermit
Just wondering if anyone has ever had any luck finding someone on a dating site before.
Been trying dating sites for over a year now and I'm still right where I started. Ok granted I have talked with some nice and interesting people, but that's not realy the point.
The people I know that have used dating sites either find someone off site or just give up on them. In fact I got frustrated and gave up for two months, but came back since doing nothing wont help.

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Does the site thing work?
Sobi @sobi
I've tried a few myself, but have never had any luck. I had hopes for this one, but so far I've just had fun making friends on the forums.

Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
commented on
Does the site thing work?
Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
I agree with Sobi.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Does the site thing work?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I have little chance, being a dinosaur among a bunch of youngsters. Yet, at least this site is more holistic and worth hanging around, dating or not. You have to reckon with the fact that dating sites in general represent the triumph of optimism over experience. I stay on this site because it is fun.

Anthony @setah
commented on
Does the site thing work?
Anthony @setah
Well, unfortunatley it seems these sites are, as others have said, great for finding new friends, but usually fail at their primary objective of hooking people up. More than likely, you'd be more succeful meeting people at some local conventions.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Does the site thing work?
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Well, not everyone is super close to each other, but as we grow I think it gets better - I've had a couple positive stories from people from MaiOtaku, which is cool. Kinda wish the world was smaller, because I would totally want to go to a con with you, Naboo_Jedi. ^_^

Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
commented on
Does the site thing work?
Naboo_Jedi @naboo_jedi
why is that sephy? -grins-

prime_pm @prime_pm
commented on
Does the site thing work?
prime_pm @prime_pm
Well, I suck at talking to people on and off-line, so I've pretty much had little to no luck using dating sites in the past. Didn't help that you have to pay for them. But point aside, relationships are a crapshoot at best; sometimes your dice come up and other times it doesn't. It's all a gamble, at best. You just have to be willing to take the bet.

prime_pm @prime_pm
commented on
Does the site thing work?
prime_pm @prime_pm
I just thought of something else. I recently took a singles cruise to Cozumel back in September. I had a great time, enjoyed several margaritas, discovered that I like to dance. And all the others were cool hanging out with, just having a good time. And did I hook up with anyone? No. If it's one thing you learn from these sites or events, it's not all about finding love or anything. It's about connections. Networking. Meeting others that may or may not have anything in common with you and just enjoying your time with them. It doesn't HAVE to lead to a relationship. If love comes up, it comes up, if not, not. The point is to enjoy the time wherever you're at and to not worry about obtaining anything from it. Just have a good time. It's not a contest, unlike those Lock and Key events they fool you with. Long to short, have fun. Sorry for the double post. Actually I'm not.

anime_hermit @anime_hermit
commented on
Does the site thing work?
anime_hermit @anime_hermit
So far it looks like every one is on the same page. Going nowere.
At least some hope is better than none. Good luck every one.
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