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evora @evora
left a comment for
ellohine i am God hound
evora @evora
Reading your profile you need a good room mate not a boyfriend.
$30 an hour is $62,400 a year and $11,400 over the middle class household income (that's for 2 people working). This being #2 on your list sounds very materialistic. #1 being god does not make someone a good person. Jesus would not recognize many people who go to church as Christians ask your preacher about this.
Your list, demands of virginity, and (caps lock) LOYALTY ONLY TO YOU makes you sound like a self centered brat.
You need more friends and to build relationships with. People that will help you grow as a person before you look for a partner, because what your asking for in that list is an obedient pet that pays bills.
If you want to talk Im always open to making friends. I don't know you and have no reason to troll you. these are just constructive words you can delete with a click of a button that will hopefully help you.

dragonrage @dragonrage
left a comment for
ellohine i am God hound
dragonrage @dragonrage
Welcome to the site!
Virgin talk.

ellohine i am God hound @ellohine
commented on
Virgin talk.
ellohine i am God hound @ellohine
ohhhh gOd speaking to my heart i feel yah i had someone i cared for but didnt love or wasnt my husband he wanted sex didnt pressure me but i didnt but yeh i say wait THAT MEANS YOU MALES TOO NOW