Virgin talk.

Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
Virgin talk.
Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
Just a place for virgins to share their thoughts and experiences.

duqhwisyzywvrbroaksbwhetzv @soraace7
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Virgin talk.
duqhwisyzywvrbroaksbwhetzv @soraace7
This topic makes me lol XD

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Virgin talk.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
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Virgin talk.
Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
Life experience/relationship experience.

X-Cution @xcution
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Virgin talk.
X-Cution @xcution
None of the above? =P

Sky Clad Observer @acertainboredanon
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Virgin talk.
Sky Clad Observer @acertainboredanon
I've had several opportunities to lose mine, in the sense that I was actually propositioned by women where they straight up told me they wanted to have sex with me. Don't ask me why or how I got such offers, I have zero clue and am still baffled by how women work in general. Got one or two offers from regular women, a few drunken college girls, and a few prostitutes in Italy while I was there, but I turned them all down. It's my current policy not to sleep with women outside of relationships, so, here I am. I might revise this policy in a couple of years of nothing pans out well in that department, but for now I'll just continue trundling along on the virgin wagon by choice.
At least it's better than one guy I know who was so desperate to loose his virginity to anyone he ended up having sex with his friend's pregnant wife and ended up getting kicked out of that house for doing so into the middle of the Wisconsin winter.
#VirginSwag #FuckPostModernMorals

gone @socrates
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Virgin talk.
gone @socrates
Welp. I have arrived, hahaha.<p>
If you want experiences, gosh, I don't know how many times I've kissed a man, and then they try to advance, and THEN the look they give you when you say "nnnope".<p>
Or trying to explain that it's not a religious thing. "Why is it such a big deal if you're not Catholic or anything, I don't get it".<p>
And having to stroke their ego because they start thinking they don't have enough swiggity-swag. OOOR when they start calling you a prude and up-tight? Fuck that, too, goodness gracious.<p>
It's not that I'm not attracted to you, kind sir, and chances are I'm just as horny as you. > >; I'm just scared shitless and don't feel like exposing my fears to someone I don't know for ABSOLUTELY SURRRE is someone I can trust.<p>
Bam. That's my experience. lol

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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Virgin talk.
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
An advice from someone with experience
Don't lose it with someone who isn't special to you =_=;

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Virgin talk.
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Lost mine at was overrated at best. It's amazing how you yearn for the deep connection you never tasted when you were younger.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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Virgin talk.
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
still looking, still desperate
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