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nitchel @nitchel
nitchel @nitchel
Dat zou niet mis zijn xD

lebod110 @lebod110
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lebod110 @lebod110
Hai hai nitchel heeft de aantrekkingskracht voor da nederlanders ^_^

Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
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Kotomi @kawaiikotomi
Helaas nietxD
Maar je bent de 6de nederlander die ik hier tegenkom
Hello people

nitchel @nitchel
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Hello people
nitchel @nitchel
Well then i'd like to welcome you guys aswell.
Welcome :D
Tales Series Fans?

nitchel @nitchel
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Tales Series Fans?
nitchel @nitchel
My first was tales of symphonia & down of the new world after that i played graces/vesperia/abyss/xillia/xillia 2
I really like the tales series and hope to see more :p