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Reicharu @reicharu
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Reicharu @reicharu
Hey its been awhile I hope you're alright, I'm sure you are just know that I am wishing you the best

Assem Ahmed @theloloman1
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Assem Ahmed @theloloman1
Sorry , I couldn't open Mai Otaku it was blocked url in Dubai , but I found a way to open it , sorry again . Yeah Bleezebub is fukin awesome !!!! u should watch it . heheehehehe xD , Nope , OFCOURSE NOT , It is not forbidden

linde @linde
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linde @linde
Well It was damn hot -_- but I survived and even passed my exams :D watched anime and forgot about everything else around me XD wen't outside when I took a brake and enjoyed the cold summer ground of my back yard wile looking at all those uncountable pretty shining stars high up in the sky (I decided that I do not like the sun XD )
Unpopular people only

lebod110 @lebod110
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Unpopular people only
lebod110 @lebod110
Summary for the lazy readers:
Weird people.... Confirmed!
2 to be exact whereas the first is actually quite popular
The second claims to be unpopular due to some weird disease
Named,The Jikokun disease.
But there's more to it!
The weird guy just recently announced to eat the other weird girl
Luckily he's just eating her and not infecting her with his Jikokun disease
This has proven to be rather amusing for the followers of this thread (well for me it is xD)
I'm to lazy to write anymore now so i leave it at this... For now!
Hi C:

lebod110 @lebod110
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Hi C:
lebod110 @lebod110
So i checked out what shin meant..
I'm intimidated.. *ahem* anyhow nice meetingcha
I got interested since that we both like utaite and all ~(happy dance)~
Nano covered some tracks an her voice is so lovely
Gero, akane those are my faves (yea i forgot(a lot) some)
How about you? :D