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akulilium @akulilium
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akulilium @akulilium
And no one comments on how beautiful she O.o?
I can't believe girls like her exist, if you do then, how you doing, got a MAL-profile perhaps :P?

rathaloshunter @rathaloshunter
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rathaloshunter @rathaloshunter
Ah! A fellow Oklahoman! ...Yeah, I know, I'm currently in UT, but I lived the first 21 years of my life in Broken Arrow. And, I'm pretty sure that makes me a full-time member of the: "Oklahoman Club". XD
If you see this when/if you hop back onto this site, feel free to send me a message!

redeyesfoxdragon @redeyesfoxdragon
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redeyesfoxdragon @redeyesfoxdragon
Hello fellow otaku nice cosplay :D what anime's do you like?