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Haruu @haruu
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Haruu @haruu
No problem!
And lol.. NAH. I hate anime. :B

noodle_mutou @noodle_mutou
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noodle_mutou @noodle_mutou
Hands down AKIRA. Holy, did that anime change me XD it literally blew my 14 year-old mind haha. What about you?

tiffanysenpai @tiffanysenpai
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tiffanysenpai @tiffanysenpai
I loooooove Shiemi. :') Her and Rin are my favorite characters!
What about you?
What anime show do you despise?

redeyesfoxdragon @redeyesfoxdragon
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What anime show do you despise?
redeyesfoxdragon @redeyesfoxdragon
Boko no pico DO NOT WATCH IT NOT EVEN THER OPENING! (well unless your into that sort of thing but other wise do not) I was looking up pictures of anime memes and one meme said do not watch boko no pico and I was all like it can't be that bad but it was.. Infact I'm not even sure how that's allowed on regular anime watching websites. It's probably on them just to mess with people and so you can prank your friends.