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jessy225 @jessy225
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jessy225 @jessy225
Please I am very interested in your profile and will like to know you more.Do me a favour by getting back to me through my email

jessy225 @jessy225
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jessy225 @jessy225
Please I am very interested in your profile and will like to know you more.Do me a favour by getting back to me through my email

jessy225 @jessy225
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jessy225 @jessy225
Please I am very interested in your profile and will like to know you more.Do me a favour by getting back to me through my email
Sex while dating?

MaRawr @marawr
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Sex while dating?
MaRawr @marawr
STDs are serious and that is why you use a condom. However I feel like your spouting off a lot of your religious fundamentals at us with your birth control pills are not 100% effective, abstinence, blah blah blah. Birth control is more then effective when used properly, and that means you can't just miss a day. But birth control isn't the holy grail and never will be. Because even though it does pretty much kill off all your eggs STDs aren't bias. Latex Condoms that are lubricated are 99.9% effective. You'd literally have to use one that is expired or has had a hole poked in it for it to break on you. Sex isn't about pleasure either it's about becoming closer with the one you love. For the right people it's not about "let's fuck and get over each other". So please next time you come into a place and start blowing off shit about stuff like this you really should look outside your box. Don't be rude anymore you're in a place of common ground and sex should only be between two people and not influenced by the rest of the world. I'm hoping this thread is removed because your sheer rudeness is offensive.
Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?

MaRawr @marawr
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Hitman reborn,Kuroshitsuji,pandora hearts?
MaRawr @marawr
I need to watch more reborn since I want to cosplay Ken for ALA. *flails* the only thing that bugs me is that hitman is like filler for the first 15 episodes >.>;;