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Final DeathNote @finaldeathnote
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Final DeathNote @finaldeathnote
rs rs lol that's why I said message me :) I've sent you one just go to the inbox ^ ^ up there lol

Final DeathNote @finaldeathnote
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Final DeathNote @finaldeathnote
lol I got cha,
Message me your user name mate, Seem to be spending a hell of a lot of time on there lately lol

Final DeathNote @finaldeathnote
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Final DeathNote @finaldeathnote
you on skype mate?
What's your preferred personality type?

Aenterosu @aenterosu
commented on
What's your preferred personality type?
Aenterosu @aenterosu
Perhaps someone a little introverted early on -- I think shyness is really cute, but it has the potential to get in the way if it keeps someone from approaching me, because gods know I can't do that myself :T
A sense of humor that complements mine is a must; humor is a huge part of me, and I couldn't handle having someone who didn't appreciate my jokes or vice-versa. Intelligence to some degree... It's not a deal-breaker, but the first time I ever genuinely had a crush on a guy it was almost entirely because he was the first person I ever met who could match me step-for-step when I started nerding out over Greek Mythology. Dominance is a plus for me, but not to an extreme or exaggerated degree, and not expectantly; I like someone to be in charge, but only so long as I permit them to. Otherwise I feel imprisoned and have to get away. So... be able to take charge without being a jerk, I guess? ^////^
What do you look for in a future partner?

Aenterosu @aenterosu
commented on
What do you look for in a future partner?
Aenterosu @aenterosu
I'm really picky in a few areas, and then largely not so much beyond that...
Physically the only deal-breaker is whether I find someone's face appealing; anything else I can get over. I want someone with some overlapping interests, preferably playing some of the games I do (PKMN, LoZ, FF, etc.) while still being his own person otherwise... My biggest concerns are finding someone substance-free (didn't do that first-time around; regret it hugely) who can tolerate or, preferably, openly enjoy the fact how girly I am. It would also be nice to meet someone who can complement some of my kinks, but that's really a secondary matter compared to the ones pertaining to the romance half of the equation...