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hayate2013 @hayate2013
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hayate2013 @hayate2013
thanks for the friends request sorry I could not get to it sooner my internet was shut off but I finally got it turn back on

ichigomarshmallo @ichigomarshmallo
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ichigomarshmallo @ichigomarshmallo
How are you?

ichigomarshmallo @ichigomarshmallo
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ichigomarshmallo @ichigomarshmallo
Hey :) thanks for the friend request ^^ My name's Ichigo It's nice to meet you~

amirima @amirima
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amirima @amirima
hey there!
interesting Animes?

amirima @amirima
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interesting Animes?
amirima @amirima
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hahaha well watch chihayfuru it's sorta new. and try trouble children too. Watch Ef- tales of memories and Ef-tales of moledies if you wanna cry asdfghjkl;' it was very meaningful and sad!!