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Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
It's okay~ Where'd you move to? (o^^o)

Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
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Emiko Sachiko Kai @kogimon
that's fine so were did you move to?

blueeyes3000 @blueeyes3000
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blueeyes3000 @blueeyes3000
so u know kawaiiattack
What do you look for in a future partner?

hayate2013 @hayate2013
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What do you look for in a future partner?
hayate2013 @hayate2013
cool I talk to you later then
What do you look for in a future partner?

hayate2013 @hayate2013
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What do you look for in a future partner?
hayate2013 @hayate2013
also I was just curious what anime is that girl from that you have as a pic she looks familiar