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fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Hi snow flame

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
happy late v day too loves <3

otakudan @otakudan
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otakudan @otakudan
You're very welcome!^.^ sorry for the late response but nice to meet you:)
assassin's creed (movie)

Snowflake™ @foxicon
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assassin's creed (movie)
Snowflake™ @foxicon
As a movie (unrelated to the game),it was pretty good, although I think there was a lot more potential for the relationship he had with the female assassin (I forget her name Dx).
As it relates to the game...I was not too pleased. I agree with you completely the Animus was not my favorite. It was cool, but so inaccurate in comparison to the game. I would have liked to see him in the historic scenes more, and more of a storyline there. I did, however, think the action and movements were spot on in relation to the game. I was very impressed. I know for the leap of faith, they performed one of, if not the, highest stunt jump to date, so that's pretty awesome.
hey, chat or want to be friends?

Snowflake™ @foxicon
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hey, chat or want to be friends?
Snowflake™ @foxicon
I hope you like it here, everyone is so friendly!!