assassin's creed (movie)

shiroakai @shiroakai
assassin's creed (movie)
shiroakai @shiroakai
not sure if this fits in here, but i'm going to go ahead and ask. Did you see the assassin's creed movie? if so, what are your thoughts?
personally, it was okay, but not my favorite take on a video game...( WOW was better) As i came into the theaters, i didn't have myself as hyped since usually video games turned into movies don't really go so well. i also came in with the aspect of, "its not going to be like the game," so, same with wow, i came in with those thoughts.
so, what did i like? I liked the action scenes, so basically when they went back in time through the memories. now that i think about it, that's probably the only thing i liked aside from the plot going along with the games. (the apple of eden) now what i don't like was the animus parts...i won't go into detail (since it may be spoilers) so i'll just say i didn't like it or any part that was in the present really. anyway, i know it needed it for the plot to move forward, but i think they could have gone a different path. like actually going with one of the, if i had to rate it form 1-10, i'd give it a 6.5 out of 10.
that's my opinion,so if you want give me yours. if you'd like to discuss this of course.

DyeSueKey90 @dyesuekey90
commented on
assassin's creed (movie)
DyeSueKey90 @dyesuekey90
I thought it was okay. I definitely wished they explored more parts of the country and a lot more moments before/of the Spanish Inquisition. It would be cool to see like in the games how Aguilar grew up, why he joined the Assassins, and the history he witnessed before and after the inquisitors took over. The present day stuff I guess was as good as it could be without linking it to the games. The action scenes in the past and present were awesome though lol.

shiroakai @shiroakai
commented on
assassin's creed (movie)
shiroakai @shiroakai
Right!!! That would have been better, I would like to have seen that. Yeah, the action scenes were pretty amazing.

xueli @xueli
commented on
assassin's creed (movie)
xueli @xueli
oh... I forgot that came out :p

kuromizu @kuromizu
commented on
assassin's creed (movie)
kuromizu @kuromizu
Assassins creed was the best video game movie i personal have seen and i will agree that the action scenes where the best part of the movie and they probably looked even better because i was watching in 3d

Snowflake™ @foxicon
commented on
assassin's creed (movie)
Snowflake™ @foxicon
As a movie (unrelated to the game),it was pretty good, although I think there was a lot more potential for the relationship he had with the female assassin (I forget her name Dx).
As it relates to the game...I was not too pleased. I agree with you completely the Animus was not my favorite. It was cool, but so inaccurate in comparison to the game. I would have liked to see him in the historic scenes more, and more of a storyline there. I did, however, think the action and movements were spot on in relation to the game. I was very impressed. I know for the leap of faith, they performed one of, if not the, highest stunt jump to date, so that's pretty awesome.
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