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jedite1000 @jedite1000
left a comment for
Harmony Cahill
jedite1000 @jedite1000
Hi, just read your Info 7 cats? wow that is amazing, you must really like cats. Hey guess what i have 9..I think. I lost count. Add me if you like to chat

silentaussie @silentaussie
left a comment for
Harmony Cahill
silentaussie @silentaussie
hi there

nuclearhybrid @nuclearhybrid
left a comment for
Harmony Cahill
nuclearhybrid @nuclearhybrid
Hello there. I am an otaku and an Aussie. Nice to see another Aussie on here
Hetalia Feature Length Movie

Harmony Cahill @dgraygirl
commented on
Hetalia Feature Length Movie
Harmony Cahill @dgraygirl
i cant wait! maybe they'll finally tie up the romance between italy and the holy roman empire. The author did promise us a happy ending *nods*
Also, Funimation put out a poll for the anime they should dub next. Click the link and choose hetalia please ^^
also theres barely ever any combat in the show so i doubt dbz or inuyasha syndrome will be used.
australians anyone?

Harmony Cahill @dgraygirl
australians anyone?
Harmony Cahill @dgraygirl
hey anyone here australian? im not finding very many and im lonely XD