australians anyone?

Harmony Cahill @dgraygirl
australians anyone?
Harmony Cahill @dgraygirl
hey anyone here australian? im not finding very many and im lonely XD

admeral @admeral
commented on
australians anyone?
admeral @admeral
I wish i was!!! does that count?

MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
commented on
australians anyone?
MiekeUyt @miekeuyt
I am~ :3

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
australians anyone?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Spread the word get more. I know there are some out there. There was a 14 year old a while back. We are still growing in this site.

jago157 @jago157
commented on
australians anyone?
jago157 @jago157
I'm a bit late to the party ;_;

nuclearhybrid @nuclearhybrid
commented on
australians anyone?
nuclearhybrid @nuclearhybrid
Queensland Aussie here.
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