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Miss Pendragon @misspendragon
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Miss Pendragon @misspendragon
I wish you luck in your hunt for shorter stories. It took me three months to read both volumes' of Genji Monogatari. Haha. If I can think of another I will suggest it.

Miss Pendragon @misspendragon
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Miss Pendragon @misspendragon

Glad you liked it. That's fine. DM me with your line username and we can discuss things. I look forward to hearing your opinions. We can read a more fantastical and less creepy story next time. You pick the next one.

Miss Pendragon @misspendragon
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Miss Pendragon @misspendragon

Of course :) that's probably why some visual novels can be fun. They're basically extended daydreams haha
Fantasy is great. Horror can be good but it's harder to write a scary book than throw some jump scares in a movie. Books set in ancient Rome can be fun too. I think a book called 'I Claudius' started the trend, or made it more mainstream. I have read the manga version (part of it - it's so long). But it's fun and a classic, if you want something that's super influencial. I think it was even mentioned in anime like Kuragehime.
I also read a lot of digital things. Though if I'm in the public library and spot a spine with a vaguely non-Western name I'm all over it. Yeah. I mean, if you drop a book in the bath it's a lot cheaper to replace.
I bookmarked Wuxiaworld. If you can think of something from it, even a chapter of something to start with, we can read and discuss. Sound like fun? For now I'll suggest something I have already read to get you kick started. I think saying 'read this 100,000 word book' and discuss might take too long so it's better to start with short goals. You haven't read horror so I'll suggest this for starters. It's a psychological/horror short story by Edogawa Ranpo called 'The Human Chair' it's not fantasy but it'll definitely weird you out and I'm sure you'll have a few things to say.
Search outside of USA

Nekokami @mtr199
Search outside of USA
Nekokami @mtr199
I'm in the same boat. Admin's! Heeeelp! I need to find some sexy lady otaku's! ;P
Bugs and Suggestions This Far

Nekokami @mtr199
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Bugs and Suggestions This Far
Nekokami @mtr199
Ah I see, Thanks! I'll wait a bit for matches then and hope they work alright!
Hmm.. Basically when I click "Not Canada" the search disappears and I cant click enter, I can only reload the page, or search USA/Canada.. but that isn't much use to me lol. Any ideas? Anyone from the UK got it sorted?