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35 year old Female
Last online 約14時間 ago
Jan 05, 24 at 4:36pm
Back in me uni days, I used to do this with the sharp end of my compass. (the kind you use to draw circles) and yeah, you do bleed. x.x
Jan 05, 24 at 3:11pm
1. Do you read manga? Indeed, I do https://media1.tenor.com/m/W9eBzEo-0xsAAAAC/baobhan-sith-tam-lin-tristan.gif 2. Have you ever read a full color manga? Yeah, read a couple https://media1.tenor.com/m/wJbcatwT09EAAAAC/coloring-draw.gif 3. Do you read in several languages? Just English, haven't been able to pick another language. I have tried but my brain has a hard time with it. https://media1.tenor.com/m/neBqLCZD0SwAAAAC/slightly-angry-eiji.gif https://media1.tenor.com/m/5vKepoR-BLcAAAAC/sailor-moon-anime-gif.gif 4. Would you rather be a haunted potato field or a haunted peach tree? That's a bit of a hard question but probably a peach tree so I could be a peach tree in the Mediterranean. Although I am used to forests and urban areas so potato field would probably be more familiar. https://media1.tenor.com/m/5MMeGl5xaSsAAAAC/inazuma-eleven-go-inago.gif 5. Have you ever been stabbed? I stabbed myself with staples by accident. Does that count? Hurt a bunch cause it was on the fingertips https://media1.tenor.com/m/g-xYUYwqUXgAAAAC/pen-stab-nichijou.gif Edit: I should add that thanks to Google translate I have been able to read articles or find PDFs in other languages like Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. of stuff I am interested in. https://media1.tenor.com/m/O38iANxFRP8AAAAC/haruhi-suzumiya-haruhi.gif
Jan 04, 24 at 9:08pm
Of course.
Thanks for showing your support, yuuzora and New Year Mommy.
Jan 04, 24 at 1:19am
I want to run a bit of an experiment... to try that 'six degrees of contact' to find someone very specific... I am unsure it will yield results. But I'm willing to give it a go. Message me if you're curious about it.
Jan 03, 24 at 7:49pm
Message me if you need help, too. I've dealt with stalkers as well. <3
(5:51 PM Wed.) I don't know if I have a stalker online? It's nothing creepy or too bad really, I'm just curious on if it's a complete freak accident that this person and I get the same video on our feed? Or if this person is managing to find every comment section I'm in and liking my posts? XD I'm honestly leaning towards we manage to watch the same exact stuff, which is actually really cool to me!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Thank you lots, Yuu-chan. I'll definitely message you as well if I need some help <3
yuuzora @yuuzora Here for you. <3
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Same for you as well, Yuu-chan. I don't know if I could ever truly be as much help, but I am here if you need someone to just simply listen ^^
Jan 02, 24 at 2:33pm
By delusions, I mean certain disorders like schizophrenia or DiD/MPD. They're heavily stigmatized and deeply misunderstood, but not everyone can handle that level of illness.
1. That they are a famous person and hold concerts every night from 7 pm to 12 am. That's my way of saying I'm not sure, my constant friends have been my family and I've never had a boyfriend, but in the end when push comes to shove I don't tolerate certain things. I can be patient, very much so, but if you are starting to become toxic or such I can't do any more than what I've tried to be patient on you with or for 2. No I haven't had to 3. Physically, not to save my life. But I'm pretty good at handling situations at the end of the day I'd like to think, deescalate something before it even starts lol 4. Yes, I suppose when it's some specific? (But still don't read as often as I maybe should?) Like the Bible, biographies (especially depending on what the person's life was like) and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (that was actually really enjoyable to read lol) 5. Yes, I think I am. I actually can think a bit too much so sometimes I create multiple scenarios for something, whether it's an issue or not
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I know you meant that, but I am not sure I can properly answer as I don't know anyone with severe issues like that. I didn't feel comfortable with answering anything specific as I don't truly know and can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to be around mental disorders like that, you know?
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah, I had to think about it. I guess it isn't common for people to work with mental illnesses like that. I'm just used to it as a volunteer at VOCA and a suicide prevention program. I do that a lot. x.x
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I actually do take an interest in learning about severe mental disorders like that, I remember watching a whole documentary about DID/MPD when I was a kid XD. I do think it'd be interesting to meet a mental health patient like that, but I'd be too worried I'd slip up or something, I would at least want to try once being around someone like that to see if I could handle it well. I guess my logic is I don't know unless I don't give it a shot, but once again I think I'd be sooooo nervous to slip up. And that's kind of you to work in places like that, I can't imagine it's easy on the mind all the time
yuuzora @yuuzora Unless a person with schizophrenia has severe untreated symptoms, they're pretty normal. You could probably have talked to someone with both those disorders and not know it. *cough cough cough* Anyway, it is good to know you are an understanding person who likes to expand your range of knowledge to become more empathic. <3
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, I remember watching a video about a guy who had it, schizophrenia seems so scary to have especially the heavy paranoia aspect of it. But-and not glorifying the illness-the man seemed endearing and sweet despite it all, and I know people just need patience in the end. Of course having an issue doesn't truly excuse any harm done by them, but it is a reason and ultimately people just need some tender love and care...at least to me XD, not many people would agree nowadays I'm sure <3
yuuzora @yuuzora That you would be one of the few is the sad part. For the most part, people with Schizophrenia and other such disorders are no harm to anyone, except maybe to themselves. The likeliness anyone with Schizophrenia or DiD will commit a violent crime is like 10%. That's 10% of the total in history that we know about. When it's managed well with medication and therapies, they're just normal people. No thanks to movies and TV, they're demonized to the point where some of them won't even tell their families or friends. Which is why the rates of homeless with such disorders are tragically high. I have talked down many, many men from ledges who simply did not want to be a danger to anyone anymore. When they hear you see them as human and completely understand their fear, it's like a light goes on in their heads. It makes it easy at that point to get them to come down and get help.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That's so sad :(. Another issue is is that people have different experiences with different people (the different experiences isn't the issue XD), but it seems like when a person or group of people have a bad experience with one person...sadly people tend to write off that bad experience as a whole for the person with said mental issue. People need to just truly try to understand the person and if they feel like they still can't tolerate or handle being around someone with an issue like that, I'd rather have them admit it politely and move on. Cause not everyone is meant to take care of people with severe mental or physical illnesses, you know? It's like how my grandma (who has dementia) is living with my family now cause our aunt isn't someone who is personally capable of handling that illness
yuuzora @yuuzora Exactly. Sometimes the most compassionate thing a person can do is recognize they cannot care for someone and step down to allow someone else help them. That's what respite care is all about. As a collective, humans have completely forgotten empathy. In order to survive this extinction event, we'll need to remember.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'm so glad someone else agrees. My sisters and I have been recently talking about how sometimes a person that can admit they can't do something sounds more wise or mature than someone who just tries to do something to do it. I can get if someone admitted they wanted to try taking care of someone, a job, etc. once to see if they could handle it, but people need to realize there is absolutely no shame in admitting you can't take care of certain people. Especially since not every person is doing it out of malicious intent, it's just something they personally can't handle and that's okay...but I guess another issue is how we live in a society that can and does shame people for not being able to do something. And God forbid it is something having to do with mental/physical illness or disabilities, they'll cry every person is an ableist lol
yuuzora @yuuzora Exactly. You can still love and care for that person, but admit you're in over your head. It isn't abandoning them, it's asking for help. Which is why nursing homes exist. When someone needs professional help, and you're not a professional. It doesn't mean you stop visiting, sending cards, calling, etc. There's many ways to show you care and knowing your limits is required for that to work out. The most often people who cry out something is ableist often don't really sit and listen to the people with the disorder. While there were a lot of naysayers for Moon Knight, I actually almost cried because it was the first time in film history that DiD/MPD and Schizophrenia wasn't portrayed as evil, crazy killer. Sad, but true.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I loved Moon Knight! Marc is so endearing and just a confused, scared, nervous little baby bean UwU. I think another issue is that sadly so many people are used to something being portrayed as offensive that-as you said-they tend to not listen and just automatically assume it's going to be offensive and rude towards the disabled and mentally ill. Of course I'm not saying people still get it right, sadly there still is a huge issue with people writing disorders and illnesses like it's glamorous and cute when it's not, those people tend to really struggle or suffer in day to day life. But sometimes all parties need to just relax and listen, especially if someone says something wrong or incorrect about a disorder or illness you are calm enough to correct them on it. And then if they keep insisting on said rude things...then you get mad XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Lol. Seriously. The man who played the character actually sat down with people who have DiD and took notes. So he did an amazing job. Anyone who was complaining was just trying to do that 'advocating' thing but they didn't bother to ask people with DiD if they needed anyone to say something. And more so with younger girls, they like the 'mystery' but don't realize how painful and isolating it is. I managed to get myself half-cancelled on a quiz site where I was an editor because I called some people out for it. It was a real shit show dealing with young people who don't have thought out arguments. Though most of the time those are the bullies who are just bored and want an excuse to hurt someone. >_>
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh gosh! I hate when people do that weird advocating for someone when it's 1. Not even needed and 2. They don't even know how that group of people really feel XD. It's the same with people that try and cry "cultural appropriation" anytime someone just simply wears a traditional garb of some place, then the people complaining about that don't even realize the actual Natives of that place are just happy someone is wearing their stuff and keeping their culture alive lol. And that's so cool how the actor for Marc in MK actually took time to learn from them, when people go so far as to understand what they are writing about or acting, it makes the movie/show even better. Also, sorry you had to deal with immature young people XD, that must've been frustrating
yuuzora @yuuzora I'm a volunteer counselor, so I'm mostly used to it. But there are the brats who have a tantrum over things like the wearing of kimono by "non japanese" people. Which is why I advise people to point to part of the garment and ask them ,"Oh? You know so much about this kimono? What kind of kimono is it? Can you tell me? No? You can't? Then shut. your. cake. hole" Usually they shut it, but sometimes they look through your *entire* comment history(because they have nothing better to do) to find anything mildly problematic so they can 'cancel' you. Kids these days really need better hobbies.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying They really do need better hobbies, I agree XD. It's also stupid of them because some reason we live in a culture and time where it's popular to try and destroy people, it's like if that person trying to cancel you themselves isn't popular or well off in life, they don't want anyone else to be either XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Basically. Those ones can't usually be helped except by beating their ass. There are genuinely good kiddos out there, though. They just need more opportunity and a glimpse of hope that their future is as bright as they're willing to polish it to be.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, as we've stated before it's about being patient and willing to help people learn. That's sometimes why people never truly learning or receiving help, because somebody got too impatient with them and just immediately wrote them off as a lost cause or bad and that was it, they didn't take time to correct and discipline out of love. They just gave up on people smh
Dec 30, 23 at 10:09pm
Ooo is this vector art?
Dec 24, 23 at 5:35pm
A Free to view art piece, along with an important message. Please check on your lonely friends this time of year. I do have a free tier for Patrons. So you can join and not pay. https://www.patreon.com/posts/95217686 Here is an international list of suicide prevention programs: https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/
xxx @__removed_zen_ryuji I've been waiting for that empathetic romance my whole life. People just don't practice empathy anymore, as if showing you care was a crime. T_T
Dec 16, 23 at 9:17pm
I wish there was a way to pin this, but I do not accept friend requests from someone who hasn't even bothered to introduce themself.
xxx @__removed_zen_ryuji I tried introducing myself yesterday, but the message button wasn't available until after you accepted my friend request. By the time I got notified, I was just waking up. If now is not too late, then I'll gladly introduce myself. Honored to meet you by the way, I'm Master Marsch. I've been writing anime for 25 years now, and hope to finally settle down with a serious sweet girlfriend / future waifu soon. Thank you again for showing your support on my post yesterday. I left you a good morning message in your inbox earlier, do text me back whenever you are free. I look forward to getting to know you better.
yuuzora @yuuzora At this point, that you at least commented on one of my posts will do. That why I accepted it. Otherwise I'd have yeeted you to the curb. I posted this for all the íjits who send friend request blindly. lol Nice to meet you. 25 years? When did you start working? I only now am in the creation side of manga, I mostly do side work as a translator.
xxx @__removed_zen_ryuji I started at 13, I grew up around alot of abusive people, including family, friends and girls that I've dated. But despite all the heartbreak and betrayal, I wanted to use my career to do more than just entertain. I want to save lives, and for me, anime was the best popular franchise I could reach out to all ages going through the same struggles.
xxx @__removed_zen_ryuji And you're welcome to comment on my activities as well.
Dec 16, 23 at 9:10pm
Faerie bread is what is called "béile streachailt" in my native language. Aussies got it from us. Poutine is a kind of brown gravy and vegamite is a bit like pure msg in a spreadable format, according to the few Aussies I know. Lolol.
1. Sub or Dub? Depends. There are a lot of subs that make me want to cut my own ears off. Sub Dragon Ball for example. Who in their right mind can take Goku's puberty chipmunk voice seriously? Not I. JoJo dub is pure comedy, enough to make part 4 better. Hetalia is one you absolutely must watch in dub. If by chance, you aren't... well for 1. You are really missing out. for 2, If the dub isn't for you, then Hetalia itself shouldn't be either. 2. Is Hot Dog a sandwich? It's bread with filling in between. Enough said. 3. What do I put on- No. Just.... No. Do I look Australian to you? Fuck "Faerie Bread". Shit Bread more like. Atrocious. 4. Vegamite or poutine? I have no idea what vegamite is, and what the fuck is a poutine? 5. (Finally the part I've been waiting for!) Dolphins or sharks? Dolphins! I'm ending this atrocity of a trend! Dolphins are amazing and sharks are bastards! Most sharks would probably gladly chow down on a dolphin. What the actual hell?! Who, or what could possibly do such a thing? Oh, that's right, a shark! Except whale sharks. They're cool. Now, don't get me started when there are alpha dolphins (Killer whale) that'll show those scummy sharks what for! Don't question the logic, its for your own good.
Dec 15, 23 at 10:41pm
Murderous sea pandas and koalas. The lot of them. They bully sharks. :,&lt;
Dec 15, 23 at 6:27pm
Nice to see everyone on the dolphins suck train, their only... porpoise is to be menaces to the ocean
Tim Burr @criselington They bully everything, more justice for the beluga.
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah. Though if Orcas start actively killing humans....... can't say i'd blame them what with the captives in Florida and elsewhere.....
Tim Burr @criselington I think they're starting to put it together, granted they are not actively killing humans that have recently added them to their plaything list more than they used too
yuuzora @yuuzora It's what humans get for gettin' in their business and stealing their children for human exploitation. That being said, poor sharks. Just doin' shark things can't get a break from human or salty sea oreo.
Tim Burr @criselington True, true, down with people I say. I'll wait in my forest mountain home and wait to see the united animal front attack and invade the human cities
yuuzora @yuuzora I'll live in the isolated forests wit the fae making friend with the crows. I imagine with crows being as intelligent as they are, they'll be the next to create civilizations in the next million years.
Tim Burr @criselington Corvids are already in their stone age, so it's possible Corvids will rule the sky, primates the land, and cephalopods the seas
yuuzora @yuuzora As one of the fae, I gladly will welcome crow overlords. Though we really have to sort their beef with owls and cats...........
Tim Burr @criselington Well, corvids hold grudges for several generations, and it wouldn't matter too much once they take over with their wolf puppies.
yuuzora @yuuzora True. Maybe we could convince them to domesticate cats, too... if they're gonna beef, they may as well use it to their advantage.
Tim Burr @criselington It's quite possible with them. They'll have so many pets eventually... maybe
yuuzora @yuuzora A crow with a pet cat and dog... I can vibe with that. If I get my wish to live in the wildy, that's what I'll keep. And a horse. Because horses are also some of my favorites.
Tim Burr @criselington Crows and ravens are more like friends than pets if you find them.
yuuzora @yuuzora True true. They're great company for tea parties. Horses, too. I have a soft spot for them big ol' draft horses. Since I worked around them most of my young life. You ever met a draft horse?
Tim Burr @criselington I have met several and met and broke several other types of horses, too. Use to ride horses and work with them all the time.
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeye. You a farm kid, too eh? With the price of petrol rising, at least around here a few people are actually riding horses to get to work.
Tim Burr @criselington I have a farming and ranching side to my family history. Now I just do growing and selling of food stuff.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hnhn. Likewise. Though most of my family was pirates. Like literally. And not that long ago..... Got any piracy in your family?
Tim Burr @criselington Not sure but most likely there were several in the Scandinavian part.
yuuzora @yuuzora Aye. The Scands were pretty spicy for a while. Lots of warring with the Irish, which begot us St. Patrick.
Tim Burr @criselington Indeed they were. Ahh yes him and the "snakes"
yuuzora @yuuzora Snakes my arse, it was Druids being Druids. The Church didn't like that women had so much power in Ireland, so they fucked the natives over. Just like diet Rome to do. Fuckn bastards.
Tim Burr @criselington I know, it's why I said "snakes". It's a shame, really. Church is going to church as long as it fits what they want.
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah. It's why there's such a resurgence of paganism in Europe. Most of us are just sick of the societal oppression. Though I find it hilarious when the particularly racist ones find out how much the Celts, Slavs, and Scands resemble the natives of North America. And that the first people in their lands were dark skinned. XD
Tim Burr @criselington There were a lot of skin tones and stuff up there. The thing I find funny is the ones that say they're pagans and viking only to learn their actual beliefs and practices and that viking was a winter months job and not a lifestyle
yuuzora @yuuzora Ye. It's kind of strange they don't realize that Scandinavian is the word they really mean in place of Viking. Which, random fact: the word "バイキン" refers to buffet-style dining in Japanese because of the association it has with Scandinavia's Viking Feasts.
Tim Burr @criselington These days it seems viking is the new descriptor of nordic people and lands
yuuzora @yuuzora Mostly to people who aren't from around there. Russians, Latvians, etc know them as Scands, since some Scands are Slavs, too.
Tim Burr @criselington That's the thing with fads, maybe it'll go back to normal or something or maybe the nordic people will just be called vikings from here forth
yuuzora @yuuzora Could have something to do with that weird 'white pride' movement like the Sons of Norway. They love to claim their 0.006% Scandinavian means they have Viking ancestors while shitting on those same modern Europeans. I hear it as an Ire all the time. I probably need to clarify that being proud of your roots is perfectly fine, just the White Americans/Canadians/Aussies who take things too far without understanding a damn thing about the cultures they claim to be so proud of. >_>
Tim Burr @criselington Nah it's just that people are dumb as hell
yuuzora @yuuzora At the simplest of terms, yeh.
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