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35 year old Female
Last online 約12時間 ago
Nov 14, 23 at 4:43pm
Nice upgrade. It'll make you feel twice as productive.
RT @rtae86 commented on Treat Yo Self.
Nov 14, 23 at 4:20pm
Bought a 2nd monitor
Nov 14, 23 at 4:29pm
Dear Ijits who send friend requests without reading my about, I will yeet into the trash where you belong. One of the greatest ways to get on my nerves is to refuse to follow simple directions with no logical reason to do so! Fuck you and your stupid hair!
Nov 14, 23 at 4:25pm
Blood but once residence. Born in Ardaigh in County Limerick but moved to America a little before the Troubles ended. You?
Nov 13, 23 at 7:40pm
Is one Irish because of blood or residence? Asking as a fellow Irish/Scottish/German/mutt that was born and raised in the US, first generation 'merican too. I can claim them ALL!!! 1.YUP. 2. Literally go through a out 5lbs if taters a week. Soooo.... Yuuuuuup. I like carbs because I'm human! Aha... 3.Havent found a food I hate, yet. 4. Nope. This ain't Hollywood. 5. See above.
yaasshat @yaasshat I think that's awesome. I see it to often where people mention heritage and use that as if it's their nationality and thus the comment I STILL stand by ;P Me? US made, mam. My mom was born in Essen, Germany and her parents (My grandparents) got out of Germany (With my new born mom.) around 1950ish with the help of a missionary, moved to Arizona and then Ohio. My dad? Not exactly sure, that's where the scotch Irish mutt comes into okay, mam. lol
yuuzora @yuuzora I do find it sad, especially since being American born is also interesting. It means that love surpassed language and cultural barriers. It means that your family tree is rich in roots, even if you don't know where those roots lead they're all in the same soil. It also means you're not as likely to be an inbred Habsburg mistake. So less chance for cancers, and hereditary diseases to cause trouble.
yaasshat @yaasshat I was going to reply with some dark humor, but yeah, sure. Could be worse, absolutely.lol I do want to look into my family history, though. Good and bad, it's interesting to me. This reminded me of when my fiance, who swore up an down that she had native American blood on her dad's side(Even narrowed it down to which tribe.), took a DNA test. It came back almost 100% English in origin.lol She told her mom either her dad lied or she had some explaining to do.lol She still swears he had the physical characteristics as did most of his family... She does not. Momma has some explaining to do.lol
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah, at lot of people grow up thinking they're one thing, but genetics is far more complicated than most people realize. I'm 50% Irish, 25% Scottish, and 25% Japanese while my sisters all have much smaller levels of Japanese, if any. And even with just a measly 25% Japanese I still got cursed with the red hair only one person in 100 years has had in my family along with the slight monolid... What American tribe does she feel she hails from? It is possible that someway further down the line there is some native American since the Scands set foot onto Canadian soil several centuries before England was a singular nation. There is also the possibility of test contamination, which is why they suggest getting more than one test.
yaasshat @yaasshat I'll have to ask again, as I've forgotten which tribe. Yeah, I do think it's worth a second test, but knowing what I've been told even before the test, I doubt it'll change.lol Really, she was looking because of grants for school. At some point I'll do the same, maybe this tax season. I know mine will be likely over 50% German. For me, it'd be more to see the story of my family and my roots. It wouldn't change anything, but I find that kind of stuff fascinating.
yuuzora @yuuzora Grants? Interesting. I always feel guilty ticking the box for Japanese because I don't feel like I'm ever quite enough. Though I don't get treated "white" enough either... Though I think you actually have to be registered with a tribe to qualify for Native Indian Affairs grants. I've heard mixed reviews on those commercial gene tests. I was lucky to get an experimental gene-site testing to see what medications I could actually take, since being redheaded, I have a stupid high pain tolerance. So seeing the various parts of my genetic background is just part of the territory. You could try that way if you want something that's more accurate.
yaasshat @yaasshat We're aware of the qualifications and there's no need to feel "guilty" if there are benefits to further oneself. Honestly, I just found it a bit amusing. We're not so hard pressed that we're going to keep on digging, but thanks for the advice. lol
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh that is interesting. I hope it works out for her. Times is hard and we need all the help we can get. I think all mixed race people sort of go through those phases. You try to blend in with the surrounding people, but never quite fit, even when you flat out deny your heritage. It's taken at least 25+ years for me to even tell people I'm Japanese if they don't already notice it. The red hair most people assume I'm Irish though... lol Have you had to deal with a lot of stereotypes being largely German?
yaasshat @yaasshat Ha! Nooo. Just as with Irish and Scottish, were a prolific breed.lol Being German isn't particularly rare.lol Besides, with my particular heritage, there is potentially a dark side. My grandfather was in the German army during world war two and although he was an unwilling participant, some of my family may not have been so unwilling. There's a good chance some of them escaped to south America, if you understand the implications. But, all families have skeletons I suppose and that's one that I'm not entirely sure I'd like to know about "IF" it's there. My grandfather was absolutely against the Nazi regime, but as with all men of age, he was forced to fight. He chose to pursue a better life by getting out after the war and for that I'm grateful, stereotypes or not.
yuuzora @yuuzora Oof. Yeah. Plenty of Japanese, too. Though at least Germany is well aware of the crime it committed. My mate in Kyoto almost got fired for letting kids pirate and watch Oppenheimer. They were really shocked because they don't teach it that way in Japan.
Nov 13, 23 at 7:35pm
I sincerely don't know how to read comics normally anymore. I translate so much my brain turns to mush and cannot process anything into just one language. "become a translator, 楽しだ" Dúirt siad. >_>
Nov 11, 23 at 8:35pm
This is old as hell(I'm scrollin stealin memes to kill time) but the Irish and Chickasaw have a similar relationship. During the the potato famine the Chickasaw sent cows, Cduring Covid the Irish sent medicine and medical professionals. There's a bunch of other stuff, but I can't remember all of it.
Jan 29, 22 at 8:28am
Aww... I actually didn't know this. 8[ We should have done something nice for that tribe.
Nov 11, 23 at 8:14pm
Homemade is better because of the natural fibers in the potato. Basically it's like the difference between a cooked whole piece of beef versus 'desicated/dried' beef. Both are good but the first one is better because its natural fibers trap the moistness and flavor.
Nov 11, 23 at 12:54am
1. Yes! My mom's Thanksgiving turkey is the best though 2. Yup! Not the boxed one's for some reason, I prefer them homemade 3. I guess? It depends on what it is...but maybe that's something a picky eater would say XD 4. No 5. No, I haven't. I definitely couldn't when I was younger cause my parents would have whooped me for wasting food...also the fact we were homeless and poor so we appreciated any food we got XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, I hate the consistency of the boxed ones as well I think
Nov 11, 23 at 8:12pm
Turkey bacon does in fact count.
Nov 11, 23 at 12:00am
1. Have ever eaten turkey? --- I've had turkey bacon. Does that count? 2. Do you like mashed potatoes? --- I like potatoes. Period. Mashed, fried, baked, just POTATOES https://media.tenor.com/KDskB0xTY9IAAAAC/potatoes-lotr.gif 3. Were you/are you picky eater? --- I separate some Vegetables from my food XD like I don't like tomatoes in my burger or salad. I don't like capsicums in my pasta, etc 4. Ever been in a food fight? --- nope and I hope I never will because I SWEAR I will eat all the food on the ground I will not let a single food particle go to waste 5. Have you ever started a food fight? --- Nope and I never will because I will commit Sepuku if I ever waste food
Nov 07, 23 at 9:02pm
You can always make a fk ton and freeze them for a few months, too. Use the good butter if you're feeling fancy.
Oct 30, 23 at 9:27pm
Here's to the hope you can heal and find happiness.
Oct 30, 23 at 7:31pm
trauma honestly.. not like abuse or anything.. but bad enough i don't want to lose (as in their life) anyone else so it's difficult for me to trust and build a connection. 11 years later and i'm only now starting to feel comfortable telling others about what happened..
Oct 30, 23 at 9:25pm
Marijuana can cause forgetfulness, but generally it's a bit like alcohol in terms of giving you a buzz, but you'll remember everything you do unless you're completely blazed/wasted. Some strains are stronger and more reactive than others, also. There are also kinds without the hallucinogen known as "THC".
Oct 29, 23 at 6:00pm
1. Yes...THOUSANDS (i wouldn't take any shit from anyone) 2. I've won a lot of them...lost only like...3 3.I did when i was like...16 (Which was a mistake) 4. Yes i do drink. 5. I don't think i have...but i might have, marijuana is kinda a forget drug right? So i might have just forgot
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