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xRukix @xrukix
xRukix @xrukix
Can't sleeeeeep

xRukix @xrukix
xRukix @xrukix
Why the EFFFF is it so hot outside?!

xRukix @xrukix
xRukix @xrukix
Cleaned, restringed, and reloaded, welcome back to the world my F-2e! Best guitar!
Anyone from California?

xRukix @xrukix
commented on
Anyone from California?
xRukix @xrukix
24 or older? Get your ass in here!

xRukix @xrukix
commented on
24 or older? Get your ass in here!
xRukix @xrukix
25. Back in the day we used to fight with ring pops on our fingers