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Lorgar @veknik
Lorgar @veknik
So I'm relatively new at this and I'm trying to figure out how this recent activity panel works. Looks kind of like a face book feed except that replies are posted under that person's feed not yours, Which makes figuring out who's taking to whom somewhat difficult. Any suggestions how to manage this a little better. If nothing else a reply might help me figure out the ui a little better.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
left a comment for
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Thanks for the request
I'm here for the gangbang

Lorgar @veknik
commented on
I'm here for the gangbang
Lorgar @veknik
Lol, there's always profits to be made in selling pornography
pick up lines

Lorgar @veknik
commented on
pick up lines
Lorgar @veknik
@panda-kun I get the feeling that's the point