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Asupon ❥ @asupon
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Asupon ❥ @asupon
Hey, how are you? :D

ve1988 @ve1988
ve1988 @ve1988
Lately when things have been rough I've found myself going well only 300 days until make 2014. I can't be the only one who does things like this, can I?

VigeoRae @vigeorae
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VigeoRae @vigeorae
Eh.. work has days like that. =)
...So now what

ve1988 @ve1988
...So now what
ve1988 @ve1988
I should probably start with some back story. My ex and I dated for almost 4 years, we had moved in together, we were engaged. Then it all changed. I came back from deployment and we had grown into two people who couldn't be together. We tried, oh by the lord we tried, but when it all blew up...well it wasn't pretty.
It's now almost 3 years later, and I'm finally ready to get back into the game, the only problem is that I have no idea what to do.
The only experience I have with dating comes from when I was in school. I'm not anymore. All my friends are with their high school/college sweethearts. I'm just lost, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to meet someone? It really doesn't help that I can't stand the usual answer is for a twenty something. (I can not stand the whole bar scene, just no)
I'm not looking for pity and this isn't a poor me post. I'm just looking for advice, because right now I've got nothing.
Stupid question

ve1988 @ve1988
commented on
Stupid question
ve1988 @ve1988
I think you're confusing expect with hope. I agree with you that the whole point of dating is to try to find someone to spend the rest of your life with, but that's what you hope for, not a realistic expectation. I would love for my next relationship to last for the rest of my life, but I can admit that I don't expect it to last for more than a few months.