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mllry1992 @mllry1992
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mllry1992 @mllry1992
My favorite is between Sango and Kikyo

gokuwithgun @gokuwithgun
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gokuwithgun @gokuwithgun
So um, you like Scary Godmother?
ps4 and xbox one

ultrachaosman @ultrachaosman
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ps4 and xbox one
ultrachaosman @ultrachaosman
i would hope the last gaurdian and KH3 comes out next year but idk im not counting on it i feel like both these games have waited long enough as it is they wont care to wait like another 2 years along with FF7 remake. The wiiu has some good ones coming this year tho star fox, yoshi, X, super mario maker. I have a PS4 Xbox one and wiiu my wiiu gets the most use cuz the other 2 systems are like paper wieghts that have nothing good out now at least to me.
The "looking for a relationship" thread

ultrachaosman @ultrachaosman
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
ultrachaosman @ultrachaosman
Giving this a shot to find someone with simalar interest as mine.
Name: Kori
age: 26
straight(cant assume now adays lol)
black hair and eyes
hobbies: basketball, video games, going to the gym, food, reading books,
Favorite food: tacos or pizza
About me: I am a very chill person. i tend to make sarcastic comments about everything. I try to bring a happy aura around me so i try not to let things bring me down. I hang around my computer to much and play games alot. I have 16 screws in my left foot and 6 in my right so walking long places is painful. I stream on twitch if that is anything fun for you lol. I like to go out it doesnt bother me problem is i dont drink normally and i dont smoke or anything so i dont know what id be doing. I work on my on independent projects for my graphic design i went to school. I have a bachelor degree in video game design and development.
dislikes: smoking , mind games(referring to having me guess whats wrong instead of just telling me), brussle sprouts, lima beans
favortie animes: full metal alchemist, no game no life, (i suck at keeping up with good anime)
ps if i forgot anything just ask