ps4 and xbox one

setsuryu @setsuryu
ps4 and xbox one
setsuryu @setsuryu
who is waiting for black ops 3 come out :P

tast3mairainb0w @tast3mairainb0w
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ps4 and xbox one
tast3mairainb0w @tast3mairainb0w
screw black ops... star wars bf 3!!!!!!!!!

setsuryu @setsuryu
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ps4 and xbox one
setsuryu @setsuryu
Star wars it's a good game too

B. @verflucht
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ps4 and xbox one
B. @verflucht
My pokèballs are waiting for Fallout 4, can't wait to explore the Wasteland again, hope Fallout Shelter can keep me sated until then, by the way, woo the Xbone

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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ps4 and xbox one
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
i want mirrors edge catalyst and the new doom...i might pick up fall out 4 if i have the ops 3 hmm idk im starting to like cod games less and less...i do however want the new battlefield game that will come out

GranTurismoT @granturismot
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ps4 and xbox one
GranTurismoT @granturismot
I'm exited for Fallout 4, Final Fantasy XV, The Last Guardian, and Kingdom Hearts 3. My god, so many good games in the next year and a half or so.

setsuryu @setsuryu
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ps4 and xbox one
setsuryu @setsuryu
The new Pokemon game going to be sent :)

ultrachaosman @ultrachaosman
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ps4 and xbox one
ultrachaosman @ultrachaosman
i would hope the last gaurdian and KH3 comes out next year but idk im not counting on it i feel like both these games have waited long enough as it is they wont care to wait like another 2 years along with FF7 remake. The wiiu has some good ones coming this year tho star fox, yoshi, X, super mario maker. I have a PS4 Xbox one and wiiu my wiiu gets the most use cuz the other 2 systems are like paper wieghts that have nothing good out now at least to me.

kiritorbiter259 @kiritorbiter259
commented on
ps4 and xbox one
kiritorbiter259 @kiritorbiter259
There are a few games I want to check out for my Xbox one.
Shadow warrior
Wolfenstein: the new order
Halo 5: guardians
Sunset overdrive
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