Beyo @beyozenith
left a comment for
Maccabe Million
Beyo @beyozenith

Maccabe Million @trongx YOOOOOOOO LES GOOOO

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
left a comment for
Maccabe Million
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying


Wanda @yeesha ♥️

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying <3

αleph-01 @a1ephy
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Maccabe Million
αleph-01 @a1ephy
NGL, that MEME was pretty good. Blue pill, red pill, black pill, gay pill, straight pill, cringe pill, vegan pill, weabuu pill, it doesn't matter what type of pill. People are usually very emotional in their thoughts. I can have a sharp tongue at times. Subvert their expectation if they think they're acting logical when their not. Give em the aleph pill. *drops bomb* and leaves like a feather in the wind

Maccabe Million @trongx I prefer the group A Streptococcus pill

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Maccabe Million
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I know you said you don’t wanna be reminded of finals. But do you have finals coming up? If so I’m cheering you on and just remember to study to the best of your abilities, take a deep breath and relax. You’ve got this! https://c.tenor.com/qb9jV5QJ1BYAAAAC/anime-cheer.gif

Maccabe Million @trongx Lolol no I graduated last year its just I did fine on them it was just so stressful that I didn't want to be reminded

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Well I’m glad you made it through despite the stress ^^. Sad I wasn’t here last year to give you food :(

Maccabe Million @trongx You can give me food when I move to Sacramento for my first job :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying When is that? ^^ I can also just feed you anyway but a celebration meal is different sksksk

Maccabe Million @trongx Not sure yet, trying to find an apartment in my budget but I'll def tell you when

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Okay. I hope you find the best apartment then :D

Wanda @yeesha Housewarming with mum's food yayyyy <3 pls hurry xDD

Maccabe Million @trongx I would but cali is so expensive even with my new job its annoying

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Do take your time. I know these things are serious and I don’t want you to move so fast that you spend your money on something terrible and it was a waste. Plus I’m supposed to be moving soon too ^^

Maccabe Million @trongx YOOO really where?

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Sounds funny or weird but... idk tbh. My parents are deciding and I’m just down for the ride with my family so anywhere better then where I am now is good XD

Maccabe Million @trongx sometimes a change of scenery is what you're looking for but I hope you move somewhere good lol

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I know we will find it ^^. Same to you darling

Wanda @yeesha Hope you'll both find the perfect new home and me looking forward to both parties xDDD Trongx how long til you have to be there for the job?

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Thank you Ha-Ha. I’ll try and take picture of our new house if I can ^^

Maccabe Million @trongx Most likely a few weeks to a month I have to start October latest

Wanda @yeesha Uwuuu yusss please! ♥️

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying <3

Wanda @yeesha That's not a lot of time for finding an apartment...wish you luck :3

Maccabe Million @trongx I'll send some pictures of the place when I get there but right now still lookin

Wanda @yeesha Damn now I wish I would move too, just for the pics *face palm* lol

Maccabe Million @trongx I don't wanna move tho my apartment in ohio is really comfy lol

Wanda @yeesha Yeah, ik what you mean. But the job was too good to refuse I guess? xD

Maccabe Million @trongx oh easily paying around $12000 more than the average american salary, so its enough for me to live very comfortably

Wanda @yeesha Uwuu congrats! Even with expensive life in Cali still worth it then :) But what about your gf, she coming with?

Maccabe Million @trongx She still lives with her parents, and she's still finishing her last year of college so she's going to stay and maybe come back one she has her degree

Wanda @yeesha Oh well, that's not gonna be too long right? Long distance isn't that bad, as long as you know it's not gonna be forever ^^

Maccabe Million @trongx fair, I just have to focus on myself for now and see what happens

Wanda @yeesha Worst case scenario, you're gonna find yourself a real new gf here, not just one for mo hkhkhk (jkjk ofc, let's not hope that xDDD)

Maccabe Million @trongx lol we'll see

Veru @verucassault
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Maccabe Million
Veru @verucassault

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Maccabe Million
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Monika is my religion. Pls respek. Tank U!

Maccabe Million @trongx git better waifu

Maccabe Million @trongx like yuri

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Maccabe Million
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying

Maccabe Million @trongx
Maccabe Million @trongx


Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I was just coming to post on your wall actually darling XD

Maccabe Million @trongx I didn't really mean it that much lol but thanks for caring

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I would’ve posted something on your wall at some point anyway ^^. It’s no problem at all <3

Beyo @beyozenith I GOT U BRO

Maccabe Million @trongx Luv you man

Beyo @beyozenith Luv u 2 bro

Beyo @beyozenith
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Maccabe Million
Beyo @beyozenith
Nice Mashle pfp, an underrated manga for sure

Maccabe Million @trongx Oh for sure, def top 10

Beyo @beyozenith @trongx definitely, I like how it basically combined opm and harry potter lol

Maccabe Million @trongx Yeah and now they added the whole family plotline which is really interesting

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
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Maccabe Million
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
I'll give you one chance to apologize. Choose wisely

Maccabe Million @trongx pass