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Lord of Hollows @lord_of_hollows
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Lord of Hollows @lord_of_hollows
Why do you hunt what you hunt? Do you also Hollow souls?

thot[HUNTER] @thothunter I hunt then because many of my comrades fell.

Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
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Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
So is anyone gonna tell him that's not how brackets are used on this site? By the logic of most usernames he's a guy named thot in a group called hunter.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Ah I see! Another clan has arrived to MO! Welcome!

Audio-senpai @charlie_swan Guess he doesn't hate thots as much as he says if he's named Thot

thot[HUNTER] @thothunter I did it intentionally for the irony.

Amir @amir_bahram
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Amir @amir_bahram
I wish to join your thot hunting group. I am a man with a special set of skills that will prove to be useful to you Sir.