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Rabbit Doubt @tarble
Rabbit Doubt @tarble
Well i just started on this site, so my first thing i get to say is... Haseo: what do honeysuckles symbolize? Alkaid: what? Haseo: devoted affection
Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
Rabbit Doubt @tarble
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
Rabbit Doubt @tarble
Wow, all of you are weird, there shouldn't be anything a women does that you cant stand. you either like her for her, or you just want to hang out. there isn't anything that a girl can do that i couldnt stand. also i think its funny that every man on here has something they cant stand about women, but think for a second guys, women cant stand us either. its true, men does everything that women does, so if you cant stand something about her, it goes right back to you.