Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)

laddrusso @laddrusso
Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
laddrusso @laddrusso
Thats right i did it. i wanna know about things that a girl has done to you that really make you mad. Some women are really inconsiderate as well and I dont think blaming men for every problem is a justified solution.

laddrusso @laddrusso
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
laddrusso @laddrusso
I hate it when girls instantly think that because you're being nice or invite them to go out that you're hitting on them. then the "dump you" in there eyes but make themselves look like fools in reality. just because someone wants to invite you to a party or a con doesn't mean they have any intentions of being intimate or romantic. but they get scared and instead of saying how they feel they lie or ignore you. Fk me I am being such a hater right now but w/e. sorry to anyone this may offend.

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I hate the deceiving double standards used by many women.
I.E. A women will try to find a guy that is less intelligent than herself, all the while lulling him into the idea he is smarter than her, its deceitful, underhanded and cowardly, not to mention extermely hypocritical since this "habit" is a prevalent feminist trademark.

talamar @talamar
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
talamar @talamar
Well mine is easy. Cheat. My last girlfriend cheated on me with one of my friends and lied straight faced to me. My friend confirmed it to me. He said that she told him we were broken up and so yadda yadda yadda one thinglead to another. While he was in the wrong too t was mostly her and dishonesty is like my number one hatred in a relationship.

Yu @metaljester
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
Yu @metaljester
Yep I agree with talamar. Also I'm not a fan of gender hate or unbalance at all male or female so feminist I dislike blaming one specific gender fully or race is just another issue of society that needs to stop. When it comes to things I can't stand though is a women who feels she is better then men and not equal or feels the need to manipulate rather then tell me. I do not categorize this into every women either people are unique I would expect the same from a post about man doing things you can't stand.

Yu @metaljester
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
Yu @metaljester
Also laddruso I completley agree with you on the matter of blaming men for everything when that's just a way to lay off fault on somebody because you can't find a source.

xueli @xueli
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
xueli @xueli
I'm just gonna say that I feel like you guys have a very media skewed vision of feminism. Wanting more equality does not equal man hater

laddrusso @laddrusso
commented on
Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
laddrusso @laddrusso
I started this post and my opinion is based on my real life experiences. I originally made this post immediately after the situation i posted about happened to me. All I am trying to say is don't misconstrued kindness from a man as him having a crush on you. in return you have the wrong idea and end up ignoring this person who was only looking for a friend.

Yu @metaljester
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Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
Yu @metaljester
@xueli I respect your view but based on the facts most modern feminist who are fighting for equality are also blind to male oppression its a true fact I could give you several facts in the UK however I do not want males going along the same path as feminist which in time they will a majority of the feminism has alternative goals not coming from the ones who are feminist but the ones who support and make profit of it also funding a lot of it these are not just certain parts of feminism but a majority the government is a key culprit in pulling for it not only does it divide society and make them fight amongst each other but it makes them to busy to deal with the corrupt government that's constantly finding new ways to help itself not all countries have this but there is quite a good amount that do instead of fighting for rights we should be dealing with other things.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Things Girls Do You Cant STAND!!! (guys only)
Yu @metaljester
I know there are true feminist out there though my point isn't to hate on feminist more so to prevent both genders from fighting one another. I feel that feminist should be more logical like yourself and less emotional when they do. This ongoing trend will eventually go to males as well which is something I wish not to happen . I would hate to see a world where both genders are fighting against each other.
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