squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Woo boy. Today was a a stressful day. This is definitely a Konosuba and herbal tea kind of night. Gonna break out the strong sleepy time blend tonight.

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Me and some of my IRL friends.
Last one to post here wins

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Chocopyro @chocopyro


squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
This song is fire though. I'm adding this to my Playlist. XD
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
I like #21. The subtle red war paint under the eyes is a good touch. :3
Arc's den of AI art

Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Arc's den of AI art
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying


squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
#5 is like if Pippy Longstocking and Hatsune Miku did a fusion dance. XD
Arc's den of AI art

Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Arc's den of AI art
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying

Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying Miku Stocking or Peppy Long Miku XD

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
For me, it is bird feathers. If I see a feather in good condition on the ground, there is a primal monkey part of my brain that says "I need that. Pretty make me happy."

TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie
TwoShy @twobananasshyofapumpkinpie

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Looks good! :D
Post ur art my dudes.

sakurakiss @sakurakiss
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
sakurakiss @sakurakiss

Just a rough sketch.

sakurakiss @sakurakiss Thank you! <3

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Good photos though. The thick fog gives me Silent Hill 2 vibes.
Whatcha doin?!?

RT @rtae86
commented on
Whatcha doin?!?
RT @rtae86

Went to enjoy the sun but the weather suddenly changed. So I ended up with rain, fog and cows

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Glad you like it. The stained glass decal was a massive pain to put on actually. Next comes a bigger print of the Hylian Crest to go on the hood.

Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
Cookie! It looks so cool! Really love the stain glass Link with the symbol above it, those two are my favorites so far!

Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying Well, despite it being a huge pain, it really paid off. It looks really good!

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Starting to notice something weird on this site. I go to some people's profiles and I am noticing most of the main people I interact with here often have their pages show "Page unavailable. But messaging them still works just fine. So make sure you check in on your friends here in case it looks like their profiles have disappeared.