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28 year old Male
Last online 1日 ago
Pasadena, TX
Wanted: Friend who watches Marvel porn with me. Needs to be flexible and good at fortnite. Good with toes. Knows how to sweep and wipe messes up. ;3
Empyreal Light @dragonflykite XD Sounds like a all evening event to me...>;)
I feel so bad when I feel super tired and want to respond back to anyone, but don't. It's like my body doesn't have the energy to type and that's ridiculous. Sometimes I get back to people days to weeks to months.
Red @redhawk left a comment for SnakeePoo
Jul 02, 18 at 4:27am
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 I watched it and wasn't that impressed. The SSj4 vs SSjBlue fight was downplayed and disappointingly short.
Jul 02, 18 at 12:43am
Hey Snake. Nano here. >:) Miss talking to ya pal. If you ever wanna talk just drop me a message on my profile and we can talk about whatever the heck you want to. I'm sorry your down in the dumps and honestly I can relate in many ways but this life we live that is often shitty can be overlooked when you have someone looking out for you. Panda and Charles have your back and looks like Jesus is a good friend too. >.> If he changes his username and then there is no one left with the username Jesus then peeps are gonna think I'm really religious lol. But any who I'm getting off track. I'm here for you too dude. And I'm sure there are others you know that are here too but I just might not know them the way you do. ^^; Hope things get better for you and remember -Sings that song-I'm just one call awwwwaay,superman has got no.....thin on meh!. I'll repay the favor you payed me the last time I felt horrible.>.> You still go by Vegan, right? Do you have any....you..know vitamins? O_O They might not taste great but damn do they do the trick >:D Let's take some and try to turn this around O_O Nothing shady about Vegeta selling vitamins, am I right? Now if he was trying to sell Super Saiyan Hair Gel I'd be suspicious cause I dunno what he uses or where he gets that from >.> Just sayin. For Saiyan's hairs to be that pointy there must be some secret their hiding....
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Everything on vegeta gets pointy and hard from the Vitamin D...;) Also hey Nano. Sorry if you saw my breakdown before. Just got sick of girls treating me as if I am disposable. So now I am just not even caring anymore at this point. Thank you for cheering me up with this post. I know I have Charles. He is a good friend too. When he is not trying to hook up with my mom. Lol
Empyreal Light @dragonflykite XD True dat. Sorry by the way, I didn't realize you commented on my message. But yeah no worries. There comes times when we need to just let it out. If I didn't have several MO members on here, you being one of them to keep up with I'd probably just stop logging on because without close friends we have nothing on MO. In regards to girls and dating, I honestly think you will find someone that deserves you one day but friendship always comes first. Mai Otaku has some caring girls on here and I dunno if the girls you are talking about are on here or where you live or both but just give it time my friend. You are nice, and funny and someone that's very deep and the ones you been meeting lately sound like they will have a miserable life overall tbh. They are probably just users and never happy one way or the other. Their missing out and it might be better to sort through the bad ones early on so later you don't have to waste your valuable time on them. But yeah dude anytime you want to talk whether it's on my profile or private messages don't hesitate cause I'm here....Also, XD Haha! Charles, Charles, Charles...-Anime sweatdrop-
If anyone cares you know how to get a hold of me via skype or discord...I am just done with socializing with anyone outside of my inner circle...
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 My boy on a path of self destruction
Red @redhawk Ohs nos baby wut u doin ;w;
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Im sorry. I would never hurt myself or resort to drugs or anything like that.Just found out this morning I woke up that alot of people were just using me. Being my friend to get something. I guess I am just a bad judge of character...sometimes idk what to do anymore in my life. I could use someone to just talk to. Not even about whats going on but just talk to make me stop feeling like this.
Baka @reinhardt76 Some people are like that, I dropped contact with some ppl but still occasionally hang out to see how they are since I still care deep down. Don’t let it eat you alive and Figure out why you let it happen. I would cause I felt lonely
Hello darkness my old friend
"Give me all the lolis" never before have those words haunted me until now when the loli police knocked down Charle's, datboi's, and my front door. Executing all of us for my crimes against loli-kind.
When you get in a "grab her by the booty" mood right now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://i.imgur.com/N8SSEZu.gif
Red @redhawk left a comment for SnakeePoo
Jun 06, 18 at 4:31pm
Red @redhawk left a comment for SnakeePoo
Jun 03, 18 at 12:32am
Get on Fortnite boi
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Sorry man. I need sleep. Tomorrow night.