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shardojan @shardojan
shardojan @shardojan
I wonder why I am so obssessed over the Evangeleon Anime song opening, especially the remixes and covers

misak1nith @misak1nith
left a comment for
misak1nith @misak1nith
Hi! What's up? Im still getting used to this website and don't check my own profile very often, i'm sorry! Thanks for leaving me a message :D

shardojan @shardojan sorry for the late reply, i'm not on this site very often either, thx though. :P

shardojan @shardojan
shardojan @shardojan

Hello owo
Do friendships last forever in life?

shardojan @shardojan
Do friendships last forever in life?
shardojan @shardojan
I have been through friendships before, and none of them lasted since my childhood, obviously, from my elementary to middle to high school, then in college, most of them were gone.
Anyone ever had that experience where you had a certain friend but, they stopped being friends for a long or short time?
What's age to you?

shardojan @shardojan
commented on
What's age to you?
shardojan @shardojan
Normally, I would only find someone my age... but i prefer 18-26