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Ikusa @ikutosummers
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Ikusa @ikutosummers
Also, I wouldn't say there are few Anime fans in Canada. I know alot of people in just my own town. xD

Ikusa @ikutosummers
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Ikusa @ikutosummers
lol I know it took me months to respond. sorry, my e-mail was putting things into junk, so i didn't know anyone had sent anything here. Anyways 5 Centimeters Per Second is outstandingly emotional, the music is amazingly set, the expressions and even wording of their speech is sad and yet refreshing, also, the thing that got me the most on that thing, was the breath taking CG and backgrounds. Ugh that movie is just one of my favorite things.

evilanamay @evilanamay
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evilanamay @evilanamay
I've done that... I was like "Whoa! That person has seen all the anime that I have! Wait... That's my list. >_>" So no worries! You aren't alone in that situation. ={D
Second season of Highschool of the Dead?

Schizzo @schizzo85
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Second season of Highschool of the Dead?
Schizzo @schizzo85
wait a tic, i thought it was slated for the fall or something, not 100% on that so dont flay me just yet.
Anime Crushes

Schizzo @schizzo85
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Anime Crushes
Schizzo @schizzo85
Taiga Aisaka, I don't know, i just love the idea of a somewhat violent, dominant female, demanding my undivided attention. (sooo cute!)