Anime Crushes

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Anime Crushes
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
So what anime characters are you crushing on now or crushed on in the past?
For the longest time I had a raging nerd-on for Sailor Venus.
Recently I fell back in love with Matsurika's deadpan deliveries after finishing the 2nd season of Maria†Holic.

SixSilver @sixsilver
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Anime Crushes
SixSilver @sixsilver
Urumi Kanzaki From GTO for the longest time now. I guess i liked her psychotic personality a lot ever since.

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
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Anime Crushes
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
Still love Ryoko from Tenshi Muyo because shes BAMF. My current male crushes are Gamzee Makara and Tavros Nitram from Homestuck.

Lamby @momoichi
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Anime Crushes
Lamby @momoichi
Rocklee was my first when i was really young XP (he still has a special place in my heart ^^) but current is male? Touma Kamijo ^^ Female? does Super Sonico count? idc its my soni-tan XP!

gone @normandy
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Anime Crushes
gone @normandy
My biggest anime crush in the past was Hazuki from Tsukuyomi Moon Phase. I'm not as into her now, though I still do have a whole shelf of figures of her. XD I don't have any really big anime crushes now.

rollingstar01 @rollingstar01
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Anime Crushes
rollingstar01 @rollingstar01
Hibari Kyoya from Hitman Reborn and Sebastian form Black Butler all time crushes right there >3>

jet73l @jet73l
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Anime Crushes
jet73l @jet73l
Grell Sutcliffe from Kuroshtsuji (@rollingstar01: I saw "Black Butler" in your post and had to scroll back a few words before reading from the beginning to make sure you weren't talking about Grell XD). I am crushing on many others, but Grelle will always be the one character for whom I would do practically anything, including break up with any other realified fictional characters I was dating or get their not-me love interest to hook up with them, if they suddenly turned out to be real and even remotely interested in me.

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Anime Crushes
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
katara in "The Legend of Korra"

nesnes @nesnes
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Anime Crushes
nesnes @nesnes
My absolute favorite will always be Sei from Koihime Musou

gunconvoy @gunconvoy
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Anime Crushes
gunconvoy @gunconvoy
Yoko from Gurren Lagann, Sumeragi from Gundam 00, Holo from Spice and wolf, and Kallen and C.C from Code geass
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