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interesting Animes?

AppleGoppy @robinas1
interesting Animes?
AppleGoppy @robinas1
hi i seen a lot of anime is there anything that's as interesting something thats serious and funny, i have watched, hatashi no go, code geass r1,2 and the ova. doramon, all studio ghibli, Grander Musashi,D-greyman, Yu Yu Hakusho, shost hunt, ghost stories, corpse party, bakugamon, yugioh, zoids, cuttently on Magi, Gintama, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next, Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?, you get what i mean though i know theres some old anime thats still good as well as soeme new ones anyone can reccomend? don't have to have a lot of action, as long as its got a good story i would enjoy it many thanks
The UK? England??

AppleGoppy @robinas1
commented on
The UK? England??
AppleGoppy @robinas1
not alone some people here are from england