The UK? England??

Little Miss @littlemiss
The UK? England??
Little Miss @littlemiss
Anyone else from England and active (on this website...)? xD Or am I all alone..? ._.

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
The UK? England??
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
ya more son than Canadians x.x I mistook lots of ca .. California for Canada x.x...

Little Miss @littlemiss
commented on
The UK? England??
Little Miss @littlemiss
Ahh, unlucky! I used to get confused by that too. XD I find Canadians lovely. :3 One of the places I would love to live or at least travel to is Canada. :)

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
The UK? England??
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
X.x... heheh we r not all lovely well I am xD its pretty quiet here tho u.u sigh

Little Miss @littlemiss
commented on
The UK? England??
Little Miss @littlemiss
Yup, its quite quiet.. I don't mind though.. Purely cause im sleepy.. xD Unless you mean its quiet in Canada.. Then.. I don't know.. Lol.

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
The UK? England??
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
Ya its quiet here in Canada o.o not like hong Kong that place was o.o loud very very loud o.o...

Little Miss @littlemiss
commented on
The UK? England??
Little Miss @littlemiss
Ooh.. Kind of sounds nice though- sometimes at least.. I live in a relatively small town in England but my University is in one of the larger places.. :3

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
The UK? England??
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
Can't wait for college I did a victory lap and ugh I ki da regret it can't wait to go and meet new ppk tho it seems scary.. really scary.. x.x nice small towns good and bad won't say the bad tho xD

Little Miss @littlemiss
commented on
The UK? England??
Little Miss @littlemiss
Awww. xD You should have fun. :D Daunting experience to begin with but just throw yourself into the swing of things and have fun.. :) I'll be starting my 2nd year of university in late September/early October. :D What do you want to study?

Cid @tylor
commented on
The UK? England??
Cid @tylor
I got to say I have been poping the UK hunt for people up for so long but there never seems to be many of us or atleast no one who is from the uk ever stays around long sadly
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