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shinaj @shinaj
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Akuma Hime
shinaj @shinaj

deidaralover @deidaralover
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Akuma Hime
deidaralover @deidaralover

marcelinevampirequeen @marcelinevampirequeen
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Akuma Hime
marcelinevampirequeen @marcelinevampirequeen
hello ^__^ lol i became an otaku too by first seeing Inuyasha when i was like 7 xD
Your First....Anime, of course!

Akuma Hime @otakukiss13
commented on
Your First....Anime, of course!
Akuma Hime @otakukiss13
inuyaha whats really got me going but there was my onii-samas and their Dragonball Z and Pokemon obsession